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Turn RDF instances of well-know SHACL/Shex shapes into a nice HTML layout #89

Open phochste opened 1 year ago

phochste commented 1 year ago


A user has a Pod on which she stores data that fits particular shapes BookReviewShape , CVShape , RecipeShape. She wants to choose from a market of layout styles that can render these shapes according to her preferences.

For instance for her Curriculum Vitae related data on her Pod she is quite picky in what form it is rendered. The CVShape expresses what is part of a typical CV. These shape could have gotten some popularity which allows many applications to provide renderers for it.

Desired solution

Acceptance criteria



pheyvaer commented 1 year ago

choose from a market of applications that can render these shapes

Can we replace "applications" with something like library/JS snippet because from the text I understand that this is not a full-blown application, right?

The are other applications in the toolchain of the user that can produce that that fits this shape

Isn't this already resolved with your work about forms (#19)?

The solution has the capabilities to render data from this shape of transform data to this shape

Why is there the need to transform data to this shape? Specifically, how does it contribute to this challenge?

(e.g. a link to a Turtle resource of the BookReview shape)

All demos should support all RDF serializations. We have Comunica to deal with that.

Create several version of JS layouts for the same shape

What does this mean concretely? Different HTML layouts?

Overall comment: is this an alternative to the form viewer? Where the viewer is a full-blown application, while this challenge allows users to add the view component in their existing applications?

phochste commented 1 year ago

@pheyvaer I've updated the text. This is not an alternative to the form viewer. A form viewer can render any kind of RDF form description into a Web form. This application does render a very specific shape into a nice pleasant HTML layout for endusers.

E.g. I would like to see a CV-shape become popular and have a market of HTML plugins I can use to render CV-shapes in a pleasing way. This resembles a bit how Wordpress has a market for Wordpress shaped data.

How the data of the CV-shape is produced, that is not part of the challenge. Other tools can do that.

pheyvaer commented 1 year ago

A form viewer can render any kind of RDF form description into a Web form.

Isn't that the form render that does that?

This application does render a very specific shape into a nice pleasant HTML layout for endusers.

Which application do you mean here?

phochste commented 1 year ago

This is not an alternative to the form render. A form renderer can render any kind of RDF form description into a Web form. However, the solution I seek in this issue does render a very specific shape into a nice pleasant HTML layout for endusers.

pheyvaer commented 1 year ago

I also don't say it's an alternative. But you say that the form viewer "renders a form description in a Web form" and now you say that a form renderer "renders a form description in a Web form". We just have to make sure that the terminology we use is consistent.

phochste commented 1 year ago

Oh I thought you were referring to having a preference for naming applications. I guess we already agreed that form viewer was a bad name and form renderer is a better one. Alas, I already named my form renderer project FormViewer. But @smessie used our preferred name for his formrenderer project.