SolidLabResearch / Challenges

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Create an App/Layout store for the HTML layouts produced in #89 #90

Open phochste opened 1 year ago

phochste commented 1 year ago


A user has a Pod on which she stores data that fits particular shapes BookReviewShape , CVShape , RecipeShape. She wants to choose from a market of applications that can render these shapes according to her preferences.

For instance for her Curriculum Vitae related data on her Pod she is quite picky in what layout it is rendered. The hypothetical CVShape expresses what is part of a typical CV. These shape could have gotten some popularity which allows many applications to provide renderers for it.

Desired solution

Acceptance criteria

Make a 'ShapeStore' where a user can:



pheyvaer commented 1 year ago

The Solid app store can serve as inspiration or starting point for the code.