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Menubar app to check who is on vacation #92

Closed pheyvaer closed 1 year ago

pheyvaer commented 1 year ago


Manually checking your calendar to quickly see who is on vacation is a hassle. It would be easier to have menubar app that shows in a glance who is on vacation today.

Desired solution

A menubar app that reads the vacation days from multiple people's pods and shows who is on vacation today in a pop-up window. The vacation days might only be readable after authentication.

Acceptance criteria


pheyvaer commented 1 year ago

You find the proof-of-concept at You find a screencast of the app here.

Use the following instructions to run the app locally yourself:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. npm i.
  3. cd pod-example-data
  4. node create-example-pods.js (populate the test pods on the playground)
  5. cd .. (back to the root of repo)
  6. cp pod-example-data/config.json config.json (copy the example config that works with the test pods)
  7. npm start
  8. The app appears in the menubar (the umbrella on the beach)

Note that I only tested this on macOS, but it should work cross-platform.

bjdmeest commented 1 year ago

Everything works! Actions points as next step after this challenge:


jeswr commented 1 year ago

The 'client-credentials.js' lib should be a separately maintained library. There are too many hard-coded links in there to expect a Solid developer to know.

I just had a look at this file - as far as I can tell from it this means that this extension will only work for CSS. Is that correct?

pheyvaer commented 1 year ago

@jeswr v1 yes, which is what Ben checked. v2 will support OIDC as well.

pheyvaer commented 1 year ago

@jeswr I'm mistaken. I thought this was another challenge 😅 This only works with CSS yes. I haven't checked how that would work with OIDC. This only affects the authentication part at start-up though, but ideally we can make it work for all Solid pods.

pheyvaer commented 1 year ago

You find the report here.