SomeRanDev / reflaxe.GDScript

Compile Haxe to GDScript 2.0 as easily as you'd output to any other target
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Reflaxe Thread

Compile Haxe to GDScript 2.0 like any other Haxe target. Made using Reflaxe.


Haxe Code

function main() {
    trace("Hello world!");

    final num = if(Math.random() < 0.5) {
    } else {

Reflaxe/GDScript Output

class_name Main

func main():"Hello world!", { "fileName": "src/Main.hx", "lineNumber": 2, "className": "Main", "methodName": "main" })

    var num
    if (randf() < 0.5):
        num = 123
        num = 321


Table of Contents

Topic Description
Installation How to install and use this project.
GDScript Output as a Plugin How to load your code using the plugin workflow.
Godot Bindings How to setup the Godot bindings.
Goals The checklist for the goals of this project



This project is currently in development, so install using haxelib git:

# What to do What to write
1 Install via git.
haxelib git gdscript nightly
2 Add the lib to your .hxml file or compile command.
-lib gdscript
3 Set the output folder for the compiled GDScript.
-D gdscript-output=out
4 Optionally, generate your code as a Godot plugin.
-D generate_godot_plugin


Loading Your GDScript Output as a Plugin

If you choose to output a Godot plugin, the setup process is very easy. Generate the GDScript code into a folder in your "addons" folder for your Godot project. For example:

-D gdscript-output=MY_GODOT_PROJECT/addons/haxe_output

To enable the plugin, go to Project (top-left) > Project Settings > Plugins (tab) and click the checkbox next to your plugin's name.


Godot Bindings

Reflaxe/GDScript does not come with bindings to Godot types by default since the version of Godot is different for every person. However, generating the bindings is SUPER DUPER easy.

First, install the Haxe Godot Bindings Generator library:

haxelib git godot-api-generator

Next, run this command to generate:

haxelib run godot-api-generator

This will generate all the Godot bindings as .hx Haxe source code files in a local folder named "godot".

Godot Executable Configuration

When you run the command, you will be asked for the path to your Godot engine executable, so be sure to find it first! If you do not want to enter it manually, you can assign it to the GODOT_PATH environment variable before running the command.


How Does It Work?

Inject GDScript

//GDScript print(123);

### GDScript Annotations
- GDScript meta can be defined using `@:meta`, though there should be defined metadata for each existing attribute in GDScript.
// Haxe
@:meta(onready) var someVal = get_node("myNode")

// GDScript
var someVal = get_node("myNode")

Enum Support

// GDScript var myEnum = { "_index": 2, "num": 123, "text": "Hello!" }