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Update to use Memcached instead of APC #204

Closed SomethingSexy closed 9 years ago

SomethingSexy commented 9 years ago

Followed these instructions

SomethingSexy commented 9 years ago

To install Memcached in Ubuntu, continue with the steps below.

sudo apt-get install php5 php5-dev php5-memcached

Next, run the commands below to install Memcached

sudo apt-get install memcached

That’s it! In Ubuntu 14.04, memcache and memcached are both installed when you run the commands above. These are two separate memcache modules. One is Memcached and the other is Memcache.

Memcached is widely use and seems more stable so you should be using the one with the d at the end.

The commands above will also install Apache2, the most popular web server online today. To start Memcached, run the commands below.

sudo service memcached start

To verify if Memcached is install and functioning, run the commands below to view its stats.

echo "stats settings" | nc localhost 11211

Live run-time stats can be viewed by running the commands below.

watch "echo stats | nc 11211"

This is how you install Memcached and its PHP extensions in Ubuntu.

To verify memcached installation via PHP, create a PHP test page with the code below.

sudo vi /var/www/html/info.php

Then type the code below in it and save.

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

SomethingSexy commented 9 years ago

Appears to be working when I look at the stats.