Clone this repo
git clone
Run npm in project root. That should also pull down all bower dependencies.
npm install
Run composer install.
composer install
Clone Cakephp version 2.6.x to the "lib" directly in the root. I don't think the project has one, so make the directory first. Should end up being collectionstash/lib/Cake
DocumentRoot "F:/Development/projects/collectionstash/app/webroot"
<Directory "F:/Development/projects/collectionstash">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Allow from ::1
Allow from localhost
Make sure php_soap, php_curl, and php_openssl extensions are enabled.
Current List
Most of the script files in webroot/js at the root level are legacy. All newer stuff is crammed into folders.
The server-side is all PHP. It isn't bad but it is also PHP so have to deal with some of that BS. There is some good stuff there and some bad stuff there. In some of the original files you can definitely tell that I was still trying to figure it out.
The admin pages are a bit rough. Since I am the only one who uses them, I haven't spent the time to update the UI.