SomethingSexy / collectionstash
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Mod/Automatic approval system #216

Open SomethingSexy opened 9 years ago

SomethingSexy commented 9 years ago

Pixelpiper: Damn! That's the first thing you should have done, I can't imagine all work you have to do just to try to keep up. You should be a slave driver, not the slave.

IMO, stop everything else and get something in place to help other people approve releases. Probably a good idea to model this after an existing system that works well - I can't think of a good suggestion off hand though. A system where you have a number of assigned/approved individuals, but maybe also where contributors can earn the ability to approve, or add approval weight, such that when a product receives enough weight, it gets approval (it might take 2 or 4 or 5 such individuals to get there, or 1 admin/mod)

Once you have this built out, it will be a lot easier to deal with a flood of submissions, especially if you get some type of importer/scraper active. Right now, even though it can be somewhat arduous to add product, some people are still going to dump a bunch of entries in at once. I added some 6 or 8 in one go myself last week.