Sonictherocketman / Microblogger

An open social networking service utilizing the Open Microblog Standard
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IN DEV: See issues

A basic microblogging service implementing the Open Microblog standard. It is intended to be a base implementation of the standard, a proof of concept.

For detailed information, see our new Wiki!

Want to help build Microblogger?

Take a look at our wiki for how to get started, or jump right in by visiting the current Issues section.

Check out our IRC channel #microblogger (

About Microblogger

Short version: Its like Twitter, but you host your account on your own computer (preferably a server). You can talk to anyone else using Microblogger or any other person using Open Microblog compatable program. All your data is kept on your server and you have control over all of it.

Long version: inhales Here we go...

Microblogger is a single-user web-app that allows users to host their own microblog, communicate with others using Microblogger (or other compatable service). As the first implementation of the Open Microblog standard, Microblogger's aim is to be 100% standards compliant. That means that users can expect to be able to:

- Follow other users
- Message and conversate with other users in a similar manner to Twitter
- Post short messages to the public or to friends
- Share links
- Block unwanted users and share who they block with their friends (i.e. communal blocking)
- Migrate between services without losing followers or settings
- Keep a local archive of everything they post (since they control the files anyway)

Installing Microblogger

See the wiki page: Installing/Running Microblogger for complete instructions.

Pull requests gladly accepted.