SonnenladenGmbH / APsystems-EZ1-API-HomeAssistant

The APsystems EZ1 Integration offers a streamlined interface for interacting with the local API of APsystems EZ1 Microinverters using Home Assistant.
MIT License
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EZ1-H #18

Open FlyingEagle opened 3 months ago

FlyingEagle commented 3 months ago

Is this also usable for EZ1-_H__?

lostOzone commented 2 months ago

It works but there is a problem with max_output_power it was 960 at first then I modified it and it can’t get it over 800 now.

patman15 commented 2 months ago

Hi @lostOzone,

it can’t get it over 800 now.

You could modify the relevant code line to fix your issue. The file can be found in your local installation in the directory /config/custom_components/apsystemsapi_local/

lostOzone commented 2 months ago

It doesn't work as the file to modify is in an external API Do you kow how to midify it? I don't get a copy in /homeassistant/custom_components/

patman15 commented 2 months ago

Unless you are using the core installation method in which you will find the API in HAcore/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/APsystemsEZ1 you won't have access to this location. (Of course you can get root access to the HAOS and do it there.) Otherwise I think, I run out of ideas, especially simple ones.

mawoka-myblock commented 2 months ago

Adding this to the library would be a lot of work, as it would have to check and save whether one has an H or M variant and adjust the limit accordingly.

lostOzone commented 2 months ago

In the APsystems API getDeviceInfo return de real minPower and maxPower of the device not the configured one. So this should be implemented instead of hard coded values. I'll look into it but I never coded Python..

Scrat1608 commented 1 month ago

Bonjour. Je possède un EZ1-H, mais je ne parviens pas à l'intégrer. J'ai une IP fixe. Je suis en https pour me connecter à HA. Je ne sais pas où est le problème. Merci

Good morning. I have an EZ1-H, but I can't integrate it. I have a fixed IP. I'm in https to connect to Ha. I don't know where the problem is. THANKS

mawoka-myblock commented 1 month ago

Please open an new issue for that and provide some more details please.

Scrat1608 commented 1 month ago

Ok. thanks