SonnenladenGmbH / APsystems-EZ1-API-HomeAssistant

The APsystems EZ1 Integration offers a streamlined interface for interacting with the local API of APsystems EZ1 Microinverters using Home Assistant.
MIT License
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APsystems EZ1 - Home Assistant Integration


This repo isn't needed anymore. The integration is now available at Please report issues here. That's why this will be archived and nothing will happen in this repo anymore.

The custom integration can therefore be disabled and uninstalled, eventhough this will keep working, but I'd still recommend to migrate over to profit from the better code.


About Sonnenladen GmbH

This HA integration is published, maintained, and developed by Sonnenladen GmbH. Our collaboration with the APsystems R&D Team has been instrumental in making this API a reality. At Sonnenladen GmbH, we are committed to providing top-notch solar energy solutions and are excited to offer this library to enhance the experience of using APsystems inverters.

Purchase APsystems Inverters

For those interested in purchasing APsystems inverters, please visit our German online shop at Sonnenladen. We offer a range of APsystems products, backed by our expertise in solar energy solutions.


Device Compatibility

Device Name Support / Compatibility Available to purchase at:
APsystems EZ1-M Inverter

APsystems EZ1-M

(Firmware: V1.1.6)

Compatible-Checkmark Sonnenladen GmbH - Online Shop

Setup your Inverter

The local API access needs to be activated once in the settings of the EZ1. Please follow our Step-By-Step Guide to do so:

APsystems EZ1-M Inverter

APsystems EZ1-M Inverter

Installation (IMPORTANT)

Please note that this is not a regular HA add-on that can be installed by just searching for it inside the add-on store. For this HA-Integration to work, you need to install HACS (Home Assistant Community Store) first.

Please follow our 4-Step guide to successfully get this Integration running:

  1. After you set up your Home Assistant instance, please follow this 3-minute video on how to install HACS: How to install HACS within only 3 minutes [YouTube]
  2. Now that HACS is installed, go to its dashboard and click the three small dots in the upper right corner. Select Custom repositories and add this URL (Category = Integration)
  1. After adding our integration you can search for it by APsystems Local API using the search of HACS. Then download and install it.
  2. Before you can configure a new device, you need to restart Home Assistant.
  3. You have now successfully installed our APsystems HA Integration 🎉🌳

Add a new device to Home Assistant

Adding your first APsystems inverter to Home Assistant is straightforward.

  1. Make sure that the integration is installed and Home Assistant has been restarted.
  2. Now, go to Setting -> Devices & Services and add a new integration in the bottom-right corner.
  3. Search for "APsystems Local API" and click on it.
  4. Add the details of your inverter. Your IP address should be something like For the name, you can enter any name, as it's purely for distinguishing between different ones if you should have more than one. If the device should be offline during setup, uncheck the box; otherwise we're trying to reach the inverter, which would fail.
  5. Optional: Add to the energy dashboard by navigation to Settings -> Dashboards -> Energy and add APsystems Solar Today Production under "Solar production"


The sensors should be pretty self-explanatory, but the controls maybe aren't.

If you would like to know the per-panel statistics, consider using HomeAssistant component: attributes to extract the attributes (on all sensors) into its own sensors.


Contribute to this project


This project is released under the MIT License.

With help by @mawoka-myblock