SonnenladenGmbH / APsystems-EZ1-API-HomeAssistant

The APsystems EZ1 Integration offers a streamlined interface for interacting with the local API of APsystems EZ1 Microinverters using Home Assistant.
MIT License
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Parallel work #23

Closed patman15 closed 3 months ago

patman15 commented 3 months ago


I just saw that you pushed v3.0. I have been working on similar changes (central coordinator) plus some cleanups. This now somewhat redundant and I would need to rebase in order to figure out what the new deltas are and whether they make sense. Can you have a look at my fork and let me know if you are interested in my changes / it makes sense for me to continue? Tough, I'm not yet fully finish. My bad that I did not ask before ...

mawoka-myblock commented 3 months ago

Hey @patman15 , sorry that your work isn't needed anymore. You also missed one crucial thing: Handling when the inverter goes offline. I'm also preparing this integration to get merged into the core.

Again, I know that feeling and I feel sorry for you, but I still appreciate your work.

patman15 commented 3 months ago

@mawoka-myblock you might have missed, that I, among other things required, fixed to better match current HA requirements to possibly get it upstreamed as discussed in Nevertheless if you say you are good, fine for me. I might have a functional issue, but I will first test V3.

mawoka-myblock commented 3 months ago

I'm in the process of creating the PR which is really hard. takes a breath not to rant about HA