SonnenladenGmbH / APsystems-EZ1-API-HomeAssistant

The APsystems EZ1 Integration offers a streamlined interface for interacting with the local API of APsystems EZ1 Microinverters using Home Assistant.
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APsystems-EZ1 hangs when trying to implement zero feed-in #28

Open pitticom opened 2 months ago

pitticom commented 2 months ago

Hello I'm trying to achieve zero feed-in with the APsystems-EZ1. It works well at first, but the inverter freezes after a few minutes. Unfortunately it is no longer accessible via the network. I then have to connect via Bluetooth and activate and deactivate direct mode a few times until the APsystems-EZ1 gets an IP address again. The query interval has been extended to 30 seconds, but there is no change. Can anyone understand that?

dekoenpi commented 2 months ago

After how many minutes does it freeze? In my case, I have a Shelly Pro 3EM. This measures in both directions. No inverter freeze (newest firmware).



Nulleinspeisung = zero-feed-in Wechselrichter = Inverter BKW = Balcony power station

alias: Nulleinspeisung
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - sensor.shelly_pro_3em_total_active_power
    alias: Verbrauch ändert sich
  - alias: Solar Prod > Verbrauch
    condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ states('sensor.bkw_total_power') | float >
      states('sensor.shelly_pro_3em_total_active_power') | float }}
  - service: number.set_value
    metadata: {}
      value: >-
        {{ states('sensor.shelly_pro_3em_total_active_power') | float +
        states('sensor.bkw_total_power') | float }}
      entity_id: number.apsystems_bkw_max_output_power
    alias: Wechselrichter anpassen
mode: single