SonnenladenGmbH / APsystems-EZ1-API-HomeAssistant

The APsystems EZ1 Integration offers a streamlined interface for interacting with the local API of APsystems EZ1 Microinverters using Home Assistant.
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Initial setup error #42

Open KristianDukov opened 1 month ago

KristianDukov commented 1 month ago

When trying to setup for a first time in Home assistant I get the following error:

Config flow could not be loaded: 500 Internal Server Error Server got itself in trouble

rsaemann commented 1 month ago

I have the same error on an offline-HA System. So it is either an a) internet-connectivity problem or b) problem with too old software (am am not totally sure but guess that HA is in update level 20024.02). The initializing phase shows a waiting screen and after ~15 seconds you get the message for 500 error.

Installing and running this on my own updated (HA 2024.5.4) and internet-connected system works. After 5 seconds I got forwarded to the IP-adress and naming panel. I cannot go on from there because I do not have any compatible inverter in my network. If I deactivate internet access after the initial call, I can reach the IP-panel again. So I guess it has something to do with initialization. Maybe he is downloading the required MZ1-API-library in the background.