Sorrow446 / MQ-DL

Tool written in Python to download streamable tracks from mora qualitas (モーラクオリタス).
100 stars 34 forks source link

Important Notice

MQ-DL has been put on hold. Sorry for the trouble. The latest build is still working as of 12th Feb 21.


Tool written in Python to download streamable tracks from mora qualitas (モーラクオリタス).
People have been seen selling my tools. DO NOT buy them. My tools are free and always will be. Windows binaries You might also be interested in MOOV-DL.

Supported Media

Type URL example
User playlist

Usage Examples

Download a single track. -u

Download from two lists and favourited tracks. -u E:/urls.txt G:/urls_2.txt

Download a playlist and an artist's discography. -u

You can mix all media types. Duplicate URLs and text files will be filtered.

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usage: [-h] -u URLS [URLS ...] [-q {1,2,3,4}] [-c {1,2,3,4,5}]
                [-t TEMPLATE] [-k] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-l {1,2}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URLS [URLS ...], --urls URLS [URLS ...]
                        Multiple links seperated by spaces or a text file
  -q {1,2,3,4}, --quality {1,2,3,4}
                        1: AAC PLUS, 2: MP3, 3: AAC, 4: best/FLAC.
  -c {1,2,3,4,5}, --cover-size {1,2,3,4,5}
                        1: 70, 2: 170, 3: 300, 4: 500, 5: 600.
  -t TEMPLATE, --template TEMPLATE
                        Naming template for track filenames.
  -k, --keep-cover      Keep cover in album folder. Does not apply to
                        playlists or favourites.
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output directory. Double up backslashes or use single
                        forward slashes for Windows. Default: \MQ-DL downloads
  -l {1,2}, --meta-lang {1,2}
                        Metadata language. 1 = English, 2 = Japanese.


Option Info
email Your email address.
password Your password.
output_dir Where to download to. You must double up your backslashes or use single forward slashes instead.
quality Track quality to request from the API. 1: AAC PLUS, 2: MP3, 3: AAC, 4: best/FLAC.
cover_size Cover size to fetch. 1: 70, 2: 170, 3: 300, 4: 500, 5: 600.
fname_template Filename template for tracks. Available variables: artist, isrc, title, track, trackpadded, album, albumartist, copyright, label, tracktotal, upc, year
keep_cover Keep cover in album folder. Does not apply to playlists or favourites.
meta_language Language of metadata to request from the API. 1 = English, 2 = Japanese.
media_types\artist\folder_template Folder template for artist media type. Blank = no folder. Available variables: artist.
media_types\artist\albums Include main albums in artist media type.
media_types\artist\compilations Include compilation albums in artist media type.
media_types\artist\singles_and_eps Include singles and EPs in artist media type.
media_types\favourites\folder_name Folder name for favourites media type. Blank = no folder.
media_types\track\folder_template Folder template for track media type. Blank = no folder. Available variables: album, albumartist, copyright, label, tracktotal, upc, year
media_types\album\folder_template Folder name for album media type. Blank = no folder. Available variables: album, albumartist, copyright, label, tracktotal, upc, year
media_types\playlist\folder_template Folder name for playlist media type. Blank = no folder. Available variables: id, name
media_types\user_playlist\folder_template Folder name for user playlist media type. Blank = no folder. Available variables: id, name

Any of the same specified CLI arguments will override your config file.