SourLemonJuice / WarmaShark-Roulette.TUI

Apache License 2.0
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game ncurses no-python tui warma

WarmaShark Text-based Game.TUI

或者 WarmaShark-Roulette

一个关于沃玛的小鲨鱼的游戏,的二创!\ 关于源项目的信息都在这里: docs/

项目已经基本接近开发完毕,至少对我个人来说写的还行,风格也还算统一。\ 同时,这也是我写的第一个代码量超过1000行的东西

这次将原项目翻新成了用 ncurses 实现的占用整个终端的程序,也实现了选择和还算易于使用的对话系统。\ 我的目标从一开始就是为了认识 C 语言,所以其实并不是太关心剧情,几乎所有的内容都是从原项目里抄来的。但依旧希望有人能喜欢这些东西吧

程序使用 C 语言实现,一方面是在表达我对 Python 的敌对情绪,另一方面也是因为我要继续深入的理解 C 语言的设计内核。\ 在这个项目之前我做了 SourLemonJuice/i18nglish.c 这是一个简短的命令行搞笑软件,我也因为它学到了些与C语言相关的外围部件。\ 与它不同的是,这次的程序更偏向于 C 语言的流程设计风格,怎样让结构体和函数发挥出不同于面向对象的光芒,是这次开发中乃至今后我要一直思考的问题

软件的下载在 Release 里,或者也可以看看最新的 GitHub Action(CI) 工件

目前主要的支持系统是 Linux,至于 Windows 构建相关的事情写在这里:#Sorry for Windows version\ 关于构建系统的更多信息写在 #Build system 章节。\ 都去用 WSL 吧!!!(发疯)(难受)(这也不是什么好玩的游戏,无所谓了...)(这点事情真的很浪费心情的,我受不了了... 抱歉)(Microsoft Windows 与终端八字不合...)\ 唉,人是要开始学新东西才会有长进的吧。等等未来的我回来修吧(苦笑)

嘛,下次开始这样的项目会是在什么时候呢。\ 希望你我都能找到适合自己的未来

对了对了,如果对代码有些兴趣的话可以去看看 #Documentations/文档 章节,和注释一起食用效果更加。\ 毕竟是不是直接以程序功能为目标来写的,这些具体说明算是相当多了,还能反映出一部分我的心路历程(真的能吗?)


Some documents here: docs/\ (所有文档都是中文写的哦)


写在另一个文件里 docs/

Build system

Build flags

The variable build_type of make can set some build macro and compiler's flags

Build for Linux

Install some package like:

Goto source/ folder and run make or specify the target name: run make warmaShark.\ The executable file will be named warmaShark

There has another target named warmaShark-Linux-Static, it will generate a static executable.\ The premise is that if you have a .a file(Archive file) of ncursesw(file path: /usr/lib/libncursesw.a), for example... Archlinux package don't have it(unhappy)

My test OS is Archlinux(main) and Ubuntu(verification, GitHub CI)

Sorry for Windows version

I know the Windows version is essential for this game. Because most fans of Warma only use Windows, or seriously say no any normal one uses Linux daily.\ But I don't know much about Mingw64 or other ways to build it for Windows

You see, I've already tried this, the target warmaShark-Windows.exe of make and workflow build_windows.yml is for that.\ But this didn't work...

So, should I fix it?\ I don't think so, I spent a lot of time on this project, it's for learning C language but not fighting with Windows

Anyway, it will be a large Todo item, but not now... Sorry

Windows should be the second main support platform. From now on

Build for Windows

Note: It's a Unstable target

In Archlinux, install the mingw-w64-gcc(package) mingw-w64-ncurses(AUR).\ Then just run make warmaShark-Windows.exe, I hope...

The problem is MinGW looked like don't allow me to set this: setlocale(LC_ALL, ".UTF-8");, but it works in MSVC compiler.\ ".65001" and SetConsoleOutputCP(65001); function are also won't fix the garbled

Using setlocale(LC_ALL, ".936") and the compiler flag -fexec-charset=GBK -finput-charset=UTF-8 do can fix some of them.\ But it will break the cursor of ncurses. One full-width char is displayed, but the cursor moved 3 half-width spaces, and cursor position is totally inconsistent

So, what to do after that...

Known issues



If those code can help you, I will also be happy

The main framework(repo://): Apache License Version 2.0(LICENSE.txt)\ Copyright 2024 酸柠檬猹/SourLemonJuice

Some dialogue scene idea(repo://source/scene/shark_roulette.*): 木兰宽松许可证,第2版(license/MulanPSL2.txt)\

Full licensing information in LICENSE.txt, NOTICE.txt