SouthpawGoblin / Text2Mobi

Convert text string or .txt/.html file to .mobi file for Amazon Kindle
MIT License
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Convert text string or .txt/.html file to .mobi file for Amazon Kindle.


pip install text2mobi


  1. Import and initialize text2mobi.
    from text2mobi import Text2Mobi

t2m = Text2Mobi()

The initialization can take in 2 parameters:

- `kindlegen_path`: the converter depends on `kindlegen` tool, this package embeds one and uses it as default. You can configure your own kindlegen path through this parameter.
- `temp_path`: during the conversion, several temporary files will be generated, stored and finally deleted.This parameter configures the temporary folder, defaults to `./temp`.

2. Simply invoke the `convert` method.
t2m.convert("Text2Mobi", input_text="This is a sample book.\nEnjoy!", output_path="./output")
