Space-Cadets / Oberon

Collection Engine for courses
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** How to Initialize your DB

  1. createdb VillanovaCourseDB
  2. createdb TestVillanovaCourseDB
  3. Now try this psql VillanovaCourseDB and you should be presented with the CLI for postgres you can even see your tables and relations by typing \d in the CLI

** Populate your Database

  1. Create an HTML file generated by the response to the post request (from banner)
  2. Navigate to the top level directory of the repo
  3. Build the database from your HTML file by running the following script
  4. python [-filename]
  5. The database will now include all of the information from the HTML file

** Set up the Configurations

  1. From the dropbox, retrieve the config and private files
  2. Place them into /Oberon/oberon
  3. These files are required

** Running the Test Suite

  1. From the top level of the repo, run the following shell command nose2

** Run the server

  1. Run the script to start the server
  2. python