SpaceFace02 / Graphin-Tunes

This web application plots interactive, beautiful, and colorful graphs based on your recent listening history on Spotify. This is an awesome website for people to analyze their music tastes. - Slight wait time of 15 seconds, as I'm in free tier.
5 stars 1 forks source link


BUGFREE-LINK - - may take a while to load as I'm on free tier.

ALTERNATE LINK - - no wait time, but slightly buggy.

Graphin' Tunes is a web application that gives you various interactive beautiful and colorful insights on your listening tastes and preferences in a beautiful interface. It plots minimal graphs which you can use to analyze the melodies and the characteristics of your recently played songs. The web application is best if viewed on a laptop or a desktop, but it is responsive for smaller devices as well.

The different features are danceability, valence, tempo, acousticness, speechiness, instrumentalness, liveness, energy and mode (major or minor).


There are 2 main routes or pages:

  1. Overview
    • This page shows you the overall characteristics of your songs in a dash-board like interface by graphing various charts. It provides a top view of your type of music, with a indepth written explanation below.
  2. Comparison
    • This page looks exciting and may really up your experience on this website. It is best viewed on a wide screen, preferably desktop or laptop. It provides an side-to-side comparison of your recently played songs, so you can see for yourself how the features add up and correlate.

An indepth understanding of the various audio features


Built using modern technologies like:

  1. NodeJS - For the Back-end server-side code.
  2. Spotify Authentication - For getting the user data and authenticating the Spotify account.
  3. ChartJS - To plot the beautiful graphs on the website.
  4. Some helper libraries/packages like:
    • SpotifyWebApi - A wrapper for Spotify Auth.
    • Morgan - For dev logging.
    • DotENV - For handling env files for holding sensitive information.
    • RandomColor - For generating random attractive colors.
    • Parcel - For bundling Front-End Javascript files.
    • Pug - This is the template engine I used.

Deployed using OnRender


None!! Just head to the link at the top and log in to the Spotify Account and enjoy the web app! That's it!

Just a note - Graphin Tunes asks for permission to access only 2 things:

- Your email and name - To display a welcome message when you log in!
- Your recently played songs - To get the data to plot the beautiful graphs.


This application is a standalone project on its own and an idea I had for a long time, but it was also built as a final Project for CS50x, Harvard's Quintessential Course for the Intellectuals of Computer Science and the Art of Programming.