SpaceTeddy / CC1101

driver library for Ti CC1100 / CC1101. For Arduino and Raspberry Pi
MIT License
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Arduino Due compatibility #29

Open ValentinArnould opened 5 years ago

ValentinArnould commented 5 years ago

Hello, I'm trying to use your CC1101 library (amazing work also, I don't know how you do such complete things), but I bought an Arduino Due : no avr library is compatible. It's been 3 months I try everything to fix it, without success. I might go for the raspberry pi part, but my Arduino Due would've been a waste for now (no use planned now for the future). I would ask you if you could give me tips on how to make your library working for ARM Due architecture please.

Keep it up ! Valentin.

SpaceTeddy commented 5 years ago

Hi Valentine, Because of limited time, I can not add Due support for this library. So sorry 😐, but I can give you some hints which you could implement.

I guess that the most tricky part of the Arduino lib is, that I store almost all parameters in the eeprom to reduce RAM load. The Due has a lot of RAM and you could safe the big parameter arrays in the RAM, like in the raspberry library. So, you could do this exactly like in raspberry pi version. As second step, you may start a RX/TX demo file with “polling mode”. Means, do not use the interrupt version in the beginning, because interrupt with Due is a little bit more tricky.
