SpaceTeddy / CC1101

driver library for Ti CC1100 / CC1101. For Arduino and Raspberry Pi
MIT License
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arduino c-plus-plus cc1100 cc1101 raspberry-pi raspi wor


driver library for Ti CC1100 / CC1101.
Contains Lib for Arduino and Raspberry Pi.
Note: Raspi need wiringPi

a compatible and tested library for TI MSP430 is provided by abhra0897.


If you are happy with the library and you want to spend me a beer, please feel free to use the following link. ;)

Hardware connection

check cc1101_arduino.h and/or cc1101_raspi.h for Pin description

CC1101 Vdd = 3.3V CC1101 max. digital voltage level = 3.3V (not 5V tolerant)


Vdd    -    3.3V
SI     -    MOSI (11)
SO     -    MISO (12)
CS     -    SS   (10)
SCLK   -    SCK  (13)
GDO2   -    GPIO ( 3)
GDO0   -    not used in this demo
GND    -    GND


Vdd    -    3.3V (P1-01)
SI     -    MOSI (P1-19)
SO     -    MISO (P1-21)
CS     -    SS   (P1-24)
SCLK   -    SCK  (P1-23)
GDO2   -    GPIO (P1-22)
GDO0   -    not used in this demo
GND    -    P1-25

General description of RF packet

-> pkt_len [1byte] | rx_addr [1byte] | tx_addr [1byte] | payload data [1..60bytes]

pkt_len = count of bytes which shall transfered over air (rx_addr + tx_addr + payload data)
rx_addr = address of device, which shall receive the message (0x00 = broadcast to all devices)
tx_addr = transmitter or my address. the receiver should know who has sent a message.
payload = 1 to 60 bytes payload data.

TX Bytes example:
-> 0x06 0x03 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03

Basic configuration

use uint8_t CC1100::begin(volatile uint8_t &My_addr) always as first configuration step. For Arduino devices, this function returns the device address, which was already stored in the Arduino EEPROM.

Device address

you should set a unique device address for the transmitter and a unique device address for the receiver. This can be done with void CC1100::set_myaddr(uint8_t addr).

i.E. -> TX = 0x01 ; RX = 0x03

Modulation modes

the following modulation modes can be set by void CC1100::set_mode(uint8_t mode). Transmitter and receiver must have the same Mode setting.

1 = GFSK_1_2_kb
2 = GFSK_38_4_kb
3 = GFSK_100_kb
4 = MSK_250_kb
5 = MSK_500_kb
6 = OOK_4_8_kb

ISM frequency band

you can set a frequency operation band by void CC1100::set_ISM(uint8_t ism_freq) to make it compatible with your hardware.

1 = 315
2 = 433
3 = 868
4 = 915

Arduino specific

CC1101 RF settings must be stored in the Arduino EEPROM to have maximum flexibility with different mode settings and reduced memory usage. Follow the following steps, how to store the compiled EEPROM file (*.eep) to your Arduino EEPROM. From my experience, you have to repeat this step only, if you have changed the Arduino Version, because the gcc compiler defines the location of the eeprom settings.

Raspberry Pi

How to compile Raspi Demo files

be sure first, that you have already wiringPi installed on your Raspberry Pi hardware.

copy RX_Demo.cpp, TX_Demo.cpp, cc1100_raspi.cpp, cc1100_raspi.h in the same directory and compile:


sudo g++ -lwiringPi RX_Demo.cpp cc1100_raspi.cpp -o RX_Demo
sudo chmod 755 RX_Demo


sudo g++ -lwiringPi TX_Demo.cpp cc1100_raspi.cpp -o TX_Demo
sudo chmod 755 TX_Demo

Command Line parameters


CC1100 SW [-h] [-V] [-a My_Addr] [-r RxDemo_Addr] [-i Msg_Interval] [-t tx_retries] [-c channel] [-f frequency]
          [-m modulation]

  -h                        print this help and exit
  -V                        print version and exit
  -v                        set verbose flag
  -a my address [1-255]         set my address
  -r rx address [1-255]         set RxDemo receiver address
  -i interval ms[1-6000]        sets message interval timing
  -t tx_retries [0-255]         sets message send retries
  -c channel    [1-255]         set transmit channel
  -f frequency  [315,434,868,915]   set ISM band
  -m modulation [1,38,100,250,500,4]    set modulation


  sudo ./TX_Demo -v -a1 -r3 -i1000 -t5 -c1 -f434 -m100


  CC1100 SW [-h] [-V] [-v] [-a My_Addr] [-c channel] [-f frequency] [-m modulation]
  -h                        print this help and exit
  -V                        print version and exit
  -v                        set verbose flag
  -a my address [1-255]         set my address
  -c channel    [1-255]         set transmit channel
  -f frequency  [315,434,868,915]   set ISM band
  -m modulation [1,38,100,250,500,4]    set modulation


  sudo ./RX_Demo -v -a3 -c1 -f434 -m100