Spaqin / fbwo-3ds

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Falling Blocks Watch Out is a 3DS homebrew Tetris clone.

The aim was to create a homebrew game inspired by Tetris DS, seeing as it was one of the best Tetris installments on handhelds, without all the fanciness new games bring.

Therefore, features include:


With the redist, I included a sample configuration file (config.cfg). Most of them are straightforward, but let's check them out anyway. If any of these settings is not present in the file, a default value (hardcoded) will be used instead.

Theme settings

In the theme folder, theme.cfg file contains the configuration of the theme. And by that, I mean positions of the elements. These should be pretty straightforward - texture, then x and y coordinates (0,0 is in top left of the screen, and the coordinates show the top left pixel of the texture) Worth noting are:


Finally, how do we play this thing?


Just use the attached makefile, but you probably will need sf2dlib and sfillib installed.

To do

Some minor stuff, like more animations, sound effects and a simple menu with configuration