Closed mbauer288 closed 1 year ago
@mbauer288, do you have the link to the actual file you are reading?
Sure do.
Here is how I read it.
# Standard Imports
import os
# Third-Party Imports
import shapefile
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
import shapely.wkt
from shapely.geometry import shape
# Converts longitude to +/1 180
LON_180 = lambda x: ((x + 180.0) % 360.0) - 180.0
# Converts longitude to 0-360
LON_360 = lambda x: ((x + 360.0) % 360.0)
sfile = ""
# Read shapefile
sf = shapefile.Reader(sfile)
fields = sf.fields
fieldnames = [f[0] for f in sf.fields[1:]]
shapes = sf.shapes()
skip_idx = []
for fidx, feature in enumerate(shapes):
# Limit to the polygon at issue
if fidx != 17:
geo = feature.__geo_interface__ # (GeoJSON format)
spoly = Polygon([tuple(l) for l in geo['coordinates'][0]])
# The polygon at issue
# >>>> Possible issue encountered when converting Shape #17 to GeoJSON: Shapefile format requires that polygons contain at least one exterior ring, but the Shape was entirely made up of interior holes (defined by counter-clockwise orientation in the shapefile format). The rings were still included but were encoded as GeoJSON exterior rings instead of holes.
# >>>> 017: spoly = <POLYGON ((-95.28 22.403, -94.941 20.45, -94.549 19.592, -93.428 18.85, -91....>
print(f"\t{fidx:03d}: {spoly = }")
# Check if Polygon CCW (interpreted as a hole, so reverse)
print(f"\tIs CCW = {spoly.exterior.is_ccw}")
if spoly.exterior.is_ccw:
spoly = shapely.geometry.polygon.orient(spoly, sign=-1.0)
print(f"\tIs CCW = {spoly.exterior.is_ccw}")
tmp = list(zip(*spoly.exterior.coords.xy))
spoly_lons = [LON_360(_[0]) for _ in tmp]
spoly_lats = [_[1] for _ in tmp]
print(f"\tspoly_lons ({len(spoly_lons)}): [{', '.join(f'{v_:+.5f}[{x_:02d}]' for x_, v_ in enumerate(spoly_lons))}]")
print(f"\tspoly_lats ({len(spoly_lats)}): [{', '.join(f'{v_:+.5f}[{x_:02d}]' for x_, v_ in enumerate(spoly_lats))}]")
print(f"\tspoly BBox ({min(spoly_lons)}, {min(spoly_lats)}, {max(spoly_lons)}, {max(spoly_lats)}) or ({LON_180(min(spoly_lons))}, {min(spoly_lats)}, {LON_180(max(spoly_lons))}, {max(spoly_lats)})")
for idx_ in tmp:
print(f"{idx_[0]:10.5f} {idx_[1]:9.5f}")
017: spoly = <POLYGON ((-95.28 22.403, -95.266 23.538, -95.106 25.386, -94.902 26.477, -9...>
Is CCW = True
Is CCW = False
spoly_lons (56): [+264.71961[00], +265.05856[01], +265.45146[02], +266.57195[03], +268.11446[04], +268.38339[05], +266.64880[06], +266.17150[07], +265.99687[08], +268.04578[09], +270.35081[10], +270.10633[11], +266.29955[12], +263.31659[13], +259.25643[14], +257.18423[15], +256.71857[16], +256.73953[17], +257.69693[18], +258.43602[19], +262.98982[20], +263.84813[21], +264.22364[22], +263.81236[23], +263.23420[24], +262.70968[25], +262.85869[26], +262.17063[27], +261.66399[28], +261.59246[29], +261.75340[30], +261.87856[31], +262.08718[32], +262.95741[33], +264.10182[34], +265.36544[35], +266.50950[36], +268.02290[37], +269.49264[38], +270.35120[39], +270.97693[40], +271.73363[41], +272.28661[42], +272.44668[43], +272.40302[44], +271.99557[45], +271.60267[46], +270.40941[47], +269.25981[48], +268.24117[49], +266.13115[50], +265.33079[51], +265.09796[52], +264.89423[53], +264.73416[54], +264.71961[55]]
spoly_lats (56): [+22.40278[00], +20.45042[01], +19.59186[02], +18.84971[03], +18.03481[04], +17.34190[05], +17.29533[06], +16.99265[07], +16.50371[08], +14.86225[09], +13.40706[10], +12.85991[11], +10.53160[12], +9.89083[13], +10.19399[14], +12.99960[15], +14.72255[16], +15.98915[17], +17.50186[18], +17.92505[19], +16.25016[20], +16.16671[21], +16.52434[22], +17.47801[23], +17.78200[24], +19.25423[25], +19.43901[26], +20.59664[27], +22.57552[28], +23.53515[29], +24.56035[30], +26.02067[31], +27.00414[32], +28.31545[33], +29.17375[34], +29.73404[35], +30.10074[36], +30.23171[37], +30.36268[38], +30.37723[39], +30.39178[40], +30.44999[41], +30.42089[42], +30.18805[43], +29.80971[44], +29.06756[45], +28.89294[46], +28.68921[47], +28.48548[48], +28.48548[49], +28.07803[50], +27.26312[51], +26.47732[52], +25.38592[53], +23.53783[54], +22.40278[55]]
spoly BBox (256.71857, 9.8908344, 272.446677, 30.44999) or (-103.28143, 9.8908344, -87.55332299999998, 30.44999)
Lons Lats
-95.28039 22.40278
-94.94145 20.45042
-94.54854 19.59186
-93.42805 18.84971
-91.88554 18.03481
-91.61661 17.34190
-93.35120 17.29533
-93.82850 16.99265
-94.00313 16.50371
-91.95422 14.86225
-89.64919 13.40706
-89.89367 12.85991
-93.70045 10.53160
-96.68341 9.89083
-100.74357 10.19399
-102.81577 12.99960
-103.28143 14.72255
-103.26047 15.98915
-102.30307 17.50186
-101.56398 17.92505
-97.01018 16.25016
-96.15187 16.16671
-95.77636 16.52434
-96.18764 17.47801
-96.76580 17.78200
-97.29032 19.25423
-97.14131 19.43901
-97.82937 20.59664
-98.33601 22.57552
-98.40754 23.53515
-98.24661 24.56035
-98.12144 26.02067
-97.91282 27.00414
-97.04259 28.31545
-95.89818 29.17375
-94.63456 29.73404
-93.49050 30.10074
-91.97710 30.23171
-90.50736 30.36268
-89.64880 30.37723
-89.02307 30.39178
-88.26637 30.44999
-87.71339 30.42089
-87.55332 30.18805
-87.59698 29.80971
-88.00443 29.06756
-88.39733 28.89294
-89.59059 28.68921
-90.74019 28.48548
-91.75883 28.48548
-93.86885 28.07803
-94.66921 27.26312
-94.90204 26.47732
-95.10577 25.38592
-95.26584 23.53783
-95.28039 22.40278
Hey @mbauer288,
I cannot reproduce the issue just yet. But also noted some problems:
In the code you posted:
Maybe something could have gone wrong during geoJSON conversion? If I do something like the following, I cannot confirm the observation that "the Shape was entirely made up of interior holes"
import geopandas as pgd
sfile = ''
sdf = gpd.read_file(sfile)
to follow up: could you post the full code that produces the figure with the 3 trixels and the polygon?
Argh, after an update to Shapely, GeoPandas etc. and the problem has disappeared. I assume this is/was a issue with the shapely 2.0 change when reading a legacy shapely dataset.
Possible issue with forming covers/trixels with a polygon (specifically, HMS-GASP smoke polygons).
Below is the basic code for reading such a file (a zipped shapefile) into a DF and then making SIDs, cover and trixels.
This leads to a STAREPandas DF with the follow row:
The following plot show the result, in which the trixels make 3 large triangles, but they hardly cover the polygon. The polygon seems fine (e.g., closed, CCW etc).
Any Ideas? Perhaps something with the locally convex and concave nature of the polygon?