Specy / rooc

An optimization modeling language with solvers for OR and CO problems
GNU General Public License v3.0
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compiler interpreter linear-programming math optimization rust simplex sveltekit wasm


Optimization modeling language

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ROOC stands for the courses I took in university—Ricerca Operativa (Operational Research) and Ottimizzazione Combinatoria (Combinatorial Optimization)—which deal with solving optimization models.

What it is

ROOC is a compiler designed to parse and convert formal optimization models into static formulations. These static formulations can be transformed into linear models which can then be solved using optimization techniques.

The language provides support for defining formal models, including functions, constants, arrays, graphs, tuples, etc... It also includes built-in utility functions for iterating over graphs, edges, arrays, ranges, and more.

The library is compiled as a WebAssembly (WASM) module and integrated into the web editor, which features Language Server Protocol (LSP) support for type checking, code completion, and documentation.


For examples of using the rust lib look at the examples folder

For examples of models look in the rooc docs


Currently in ROOC you can solve any linear models which can be:

Implemented Features


Given the formal model of the Dominating set problem, which shows most of the features of the language:

min sum(u in nodes(G)) { x_u }
    x_v + sum((_, u) in neigh_edges(v)) { x_u } >= 1 for v in nodes(G)
    let G = Graph {
        A -> [B, C, D, E, F],
        B -> [A, E, C, D, J],
        C -> [A, B, D, E, I],
        D -> [A, B, C, E, H],
        E -> [A, B, C, D, G],
        F -> [A, G, J],
        G -> [E, F, H],
        H -> [D, G, I],
        I -> [C, H, J],
        J -> [B, F, I]
    x_u, x_v as Boolean for v in nodes(G), (_, u) in neigh_edges(v)

It is compiled down to:

min x_A + x_B + x_C + x_D + x_E + x_F + x_G + x_H + x_I + x_J
        x_A + x_B + x_D + x_C + x_F + x_E >= 1
        x_B + x_D + x_E + x_J + x_C + x_A >= 1
        x_C + x_B + x_D + x_I + x_A + x_E >= 1
        x_D + x_E + x_H + x_C + x_A + x_B >= 1
        x_E + x_B + x_D + x_C + x_A + x_G >= 1
        x_F + x_J + x_G + x_A >= 1
        x_G + x_E + x_F + x_H >= 1
        x_H + x_D + x_I + x_G >= 1
        x_I + x_J + x_H + x_C >= 1
        x_J + x_F + x_I + x_B >= 1

If the compilation finds a type mismatch (for example, function parameters or compound variable flattening), a stack trace will be generated:

Wrong argument Expected argument of type "Number", got "Graph" evaluating "D"
        at 3:30 D
        at 3:28 C[D]
        at 3:18 enumerate(C[D])
        at 3:9  sum(j in enumerate(C[D])) { j }
        at 3:9  sum(j in enumerate(C[D])) { j } <= x_i for i in 0..len(C)

The model can then be solved using the Binary solver pipeline, which will solve the compiled model and find the optimal solution which has value 3 with assignment:

F   F   F   F   T   F   F   F   T   T