Recommended node version 16. (16.14.x+).
If you don't already have a node environment or have a different node version installed on your system, it may be easier to use nvm to install the required node version. Windows users can use nvm-windows.
Alternatively download the required version of node and install it directly. Most linux distributions will also have node available on their repositories.
Clone the repository from github.
git clone
cd into the folder
install dependencies
npm install
run development server (compile and hot reload)
npm run dev
VSCode with extension Volar (recommended by Vue) or extension Vetar (works fine for this)
(However if you're already used to a different IDE it would be better to stick with that and install relevant extensions for Vue)
Refer documentation for Vue for getting started with VueJS.
Note that the master branch is protected and cannot be directly pushed to. Always work on a feature/component branch and make a pull request against master.
Note that the gh-pages branch is only for deploying. Do not work on this branch
Compile and minify files for production into dist folder. Push the contents of dist folder into gh-pages branch.