SpeedoPasanen / ng-file-manager

File Manager for Angular
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Angular File Manager


Things may change a bit on the NgfmConnector side if you want to make your own connectors, but other than that you could probably already pop this into an app.

Demo: https://funkizer.github.io

ng-file-manager Gitter https://gitter.im/ng-file-manager/Lobby

Get Started

  1. If you don't have an Angular project, create one by running ng new my-project.
  2. Say npm install ng-file-manager --save in your project's root folder.
  3. Follow the guide at https://material.angular.io for installing Angular Material and a theme. TODO: I may come back to this later and say it's not necessary unless you want to add a custom theme, needs further investigation.
  4. Provide an NgfmConnector in your AppModule. If you use the built-in REST connector, provide also the configuration for it. While developing and using ng serve, provide a full absolute URL (using environment would be more ideal than this example).
  5. If you do not provide a connector, NgfmMemoryConnector will be used and everything will just work, in memory.
    // Your AppModule
    import NgfmRestConnector from 'ngfm-file-browser';
    // @NgModule
    providers: [
      provide: NGFM_REST_CONFIG, useValue: new NgfmRestConfig({
        baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/files'
    { provide: NGFM_CONNECTOR, useClass: NgfmRestConnector },

Support & Questions

Feel free to give me a shout at Gitter!

Twitter: @funkizer