Spejderneslejr / spejderneslejrdk

Hovedsite for Spejdernes Lejr 2017
1 stars 1 forks source link


This was the main website for Spejdernes Lejr 2017 and 2022. It has since been archived.

The project structure is based on drupal-composer/drupal-project.

Development dependencies



Initial setup

  1. Clone this repository and enter it.
  2. Authenticate against platform.sh: platform login
  3. Verify that you have access: platform info

Development workflow

We use Docker/docker-compose for running the development-instance of the site. Whenever available, you should always use task over "raw" docker/docker-compose commands.


  1. Branch off the master branch to prepare for development: git checkout -b feature/myfeature
  2. Fetch a fresh database dump to ensure you are in sync with production: task drupal:getdb
  3. Reset your local environment, this will give you a fresh site that should be very close to production: task drupal:reset
  4. Build the jobs api (only needed if you actually develop on this part of the site): task apps:build
  5. Access your site, on eg [spejderneslejr.docker]() if you're using Dory, or use docker compose port web 80 to get the random port-mapping for the site.
  6. Develop your feature

Notice: A reset will throw away your current database, so make sure to persist eg. any config with drush cex before resetting.

API development workflow

  1. Branch off the master branch to prepare for development: git checkout -b feature/myfeature
  2. (initial use) copy api/dist.env to api/.env and update it with credentials.
  3. Reset and start the api-server task api:reset
  4. Develop your feature

Continuous Integration

The site is hosted on platform.sh, and all pull-request will create a temporary test-environment where the change can be verified. The environment is destroyed on merge.