SpektroAudio / Patchbook

Markup language and parser for writing and distributing patches for modular synthesizers.
MIT License
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About PatchBook:

PatchBook is a markup language and parser for writing and distributing patches for modular synthesizers created by Spektro Audio. The markup language is designed to be easily readable and writeable by humans while the parser can process .txt files written in the PatchBook format and output a JSON file that can be used by other applications to display and process the patch's data.

Patchbook Version: 1.2 Parser version: b3

Table of Content:

Markup Description


Voices must be written in all caps, without any spaces before the name and followed by a colon.

Every connection described after a voice annotation will be assigned to that voice.


Every connection (patch cable) must be annotated using the following format: - Output Module (Output Label) >> Input Module (Input Label).

- Maths (Ch. 1 Unity) >> Polaris (CV 2)
- Tides (Bi) >> Braids (Timbre)

While the >> indicator can be used to indicate a standard connection, it could (and should) also be replaced by more specific indicators according to the kind of signal being sent from the Output Module to the Input Module:


- Metropolis (Pitch) p> Braids (1 V/Oct)
- Pamela's Workout (1) c> Penta (Clk)
- Braids (Out) -> Polaris (Input)

Additional info:

Extra arguments:

Additional GraphViz arguments such as color, weight, and style can be appended to the connection line in between brackets and separated by commas.


- Metropolis (Pitch) p> Braids (1 V/Oct) [color=red, weight=3]

Supported GraphViz arguments: color, weight, style, dir, and arrowtail.


Parameters can be annotated in 2 different ways: single line or multiline. Every parameter annotation must start with an asterisk character before the module name.


* Function: Rise = 50% | Fall = 50% | Curve = 30%


* Braids:  
    | Mode = CSAW  
    | Color = 50%  
    | Timbre = 50%  

Additional info


Comments can be added to the patch by prepending two forward slashes (//).


// This is a nice comment


Example 1

    - Metropolis (Pitch) p> Braids (1v/oct) [weight=3]
    - Metropolis (Gate) g> Function (Trigger)
    - Braids (Out) -> Optomix (Ch1 Signal)
    - Function (+ Out) >> Optomix (Ch1 CV)
    - Function (- Out) >> Braids (Timbre CV)
    - Optomix (Out 1) -> AUDIO INTERFACE (input)

    * Metropolis:
    | BPM = 124
    | Swing = 0
    | Root = F
    | Scale = Minor
    | Mode = F. Forward
    | Stages = 16

    * Braids:
    | Mode = Fold
    | Timbre = 30%
    | Timbre CV = -20%
    | Color = 0%

    * Function: Rise = 50% | Fall = 50% | Curve = 30%
    * Optomix: Damp = 0% | Control = 100%

Example 2


    - Metropolis (Pitch) p> Aether VCO (CV)
    - Metropolis (Gate) g> Maths (Ch 1 Trigger)
    - Metropolis (Gate) g> Maths (Ch 4 Trigger)

    * Aether VCO: LFO Freq = 5 | LFO PWM = 7
    - Aether VCO (Pulse) -> Mixer (Ch1)
    - Aether VCO (Sub 1) -> Tides (Clk)
    - Tides (Bi) -> Mixer (Ch2)
    - Aether VCO (Sub 2) -> Z3000 (HSync)
    - Z3000 (Saw) -> Mixer (Ch3)

    - MultiLFO (LFO 1) >> Tides (Smoothness)
    - MultiLFO (LFO 2 Triangle) >> Tides (Shape)
    - MultiLFO (LFO 3 Triangle) >> Z3000 (PWM)
    * MultiLFO:
    | LFO 1 Freq = 3.8
    | LFO 1 Shape = Sine
    | LFO 1 S&H = 0
    | LFO 2 Freq = 1
    | LFO 3 Freq = 1
    * Tides: PLL Mode = True | Freq = 60% | Smoothness = 70%
    * Z3000: Freq = 1pm

    - Maths (Ch 1) >> Multifilter (CV)
    - Maths (Ch 4) >> uVCA (Ch1 CV)

    - Mixer (Output) -> Multifilter (Input)
    - Multifilter (LPF) -> uVCA (Ch1 Input)
    - uVCA (Ch1 Output) -> AUDIO INTERFACE (In 3)


The PatchBook parser is a Python program that can read text files written in the PatchBook format and generate a JSON file.


How to Use

To use the parser, download the python script, open the terminal and use the command:

python3 path/to/script/patchbook.py -file /path/to/textfile.txt

After loading the text file into the parser, you can use the following commands to process it:

Example syncpll signal flow generated using GraphViz

Alternatively, any of the above commands may be invoked on the command line with a dash prefix, in which case the text file is parsed, the command is executed, and the program exits. This makes it possible to produce (for example) an SVG file in one step like so:

python3 path/to/script/patchbook.py -file /path/to/textfile.txt -graph | dot -Tsvg > /path/to/svgfile.svg

Graphs are constructed horizontally left-to-right by default, but you may use the -dir option to change the direction of the graph to vertical top-to-bottom like so:

python3 path/to/script/patchbook.py -file /path/to/textfile.txt -graph -dir DN

Data Structure

Patchbook Data Structure

Patchbook was created by Ícaro Ferre / Spektro Audio.
Twitter: @icaroferre / @spektroaudio