SpencerDuball / spencerduball.com

My personal website: blog, projects, social links, etc.
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link


The personal website for Spencer Duball. I write about web development, cloud computing, 3D printing, circuit design, and more.

Have a visit, spencerduball.com!

Getting Started

Prerequisites: You will need at least NodeJS 16 and pnpm installed. You also need to have an AWS account and AWS credentials configured locally. Finally, these docs will install a couple of programs with Homebrew for running a local database.

To get started with local development:

  1. Install a couple of programs for local development:

    Note: These programs do not need to be installed via Homebrew and can be installed anyway you like.

Intall sqld: https://github.com/tursodatabase/libsql/blob/main/docs/BUILD-RUN.md#build-and-install-with-homebrew

brew tap libsql/sqld
brew install sqld
sqld --version # confirm installation

Install turso: https://docs.turso.tech/reference/turso-cli#homebrew-macos-and-linux

brew install tursodatabase/tap/turso
turso --version # confirm the installation
  1. Clone the repo and install dependencies:
pnpm i
  1. Run the sst dev command in order to setup your local environment with secrets for your stage.

    Note: You will be asked what the default stage name should be, you should use your Github username (or another unique identifier). Such that two people will not deploy to the same stage name. Reserved stage names are staging and prod. If you have forgotten your stage name, you can check by looking at the /.sst/stage txt file.

pnpm run dev
  1. Set the secrets for the application. Note that the only secret who's value matters for local development is the DATABASE_URL. Ensure to set this to{port} where your port number can be any valid port:
pnpm sst secrets set DATABASE_AUTH_TOKEN "database_auth_token"
pnpm sst secrets set DATABASE_URL ""
pnpm sst secrets set GITHUB_CLIENT_ID "github_client_id"
pnpm sst secrets set GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET "github_client_secret"
  1. Contrats! All one-time items have been setup, now continue to the Development section to begin working on the site.

Project Overview

This project is a pnpm monorepo deployed to AWS with SST. The main website is built using the Remix framework and deployed to AWS Lambda. The file storage is implemented using AWS S3, the K/V storage is implemented with AWS DynamoDB, and the SQLite database is hosted via (Turso)[https://turso.tech]. This site also uses AWS CloudFront as the CDN + reverse proxy, and AWS Route 53 for DNS hosting.

This monorepo is divided into 5 packages:


After following the Getting Started section and peforming the one-time-install of programs, development work can get started. There are 3 main environments or stages that are used:

When developing a new features typically an update to the database will need to be made, then an update to the seed data, and finally an update to the website. After everything has been implemented and the feature works locally, this feature should be deployed to the staging environment where further automated and QA testing can be performed. When it is confirmed that the feature works correctly it can then be pushed to production. The next few sections will document in greater detail the processes involved at each stage of the development cycle.

Running the Website

To get the website up and running locally:

Important! Refer to the scripts section for more information about the seeding process. Running db:setup everytime can be wasteful, and in most situations you will want to use db:seed:replant when attempting to reset data locally.

# start the database (long running process)
pnpm --filter @spencerduballcom/scripts run db:start
# apply the seed data
pnpm --filter @spencerduballcom/scripts run db:setup
# start the website (long running process)
pnpm --filter @spencerduballcom/web run dev

Updating Database Schema

There are two database schemas that may need an update, SQLite and DynamoDB.


The DynamoDB schema can be updated by going to the packages/db/src/ddb and adding or updating items as necessary. After adding or updating the schema of items that are uploaded/queried from DynamoDB ensure to build so other packages can access this:

Note: In VSCode, the TypeScript server will need to be restarted after making a build for this package. If not restarted, Intellisense won't be able to find the correct output files.

pnpm --filter @spencerduballcom/db run build


Updating SQLite schema is more complicated. We will first need to update the TypeScript definitions in the @spencerduballcom/db package. These definitions are used ONLY for intellisense when consuming this package. Next we will implement a migration, implement the habitat script, and implement the seed script - these actions all occur in the @spencerduballcom/scripts package.

  1. Update TypeScript Definitions - In the packages/db/src/sqldb file we can create a new interface, add it to the package export, and finally build the output.

Note: In VSCode, the TypeScript server will need to be restarted after making a build for this package. If not restarted, Intellisense won't be able to find the correct output files.

pnpm --filter @spencerduballcom/db run build
  1. Generate Migration, Habitat, Seed Scripts - From the scripts package we will generate a new migration and associated habitat and seed scripts.
pnpm --filter @spencerduballcom/scripts run db:migrate:create
  1. Implement Migration Script - To implement the migration script we have to add the appropriate commands for brining a migration up, and bringing a migration down. Anytime a migration is implemented we should run the migrations to ensure it works, and then db:reset + db:migrate to ensure there are no isseus with our up/down scripts. This new migration script can be found in the packages/scripts/migrations/{migration_name} folder.

  2. Implement Habitat Script - A habitat script is part of the seeding process where mostly permanent data is either uploaded or added to DynamoDB. Most times this script is not needed, examine prior scripts to see how this is useful. This file can be found in the packages/scripts/seed/{migration_name}/habitat folder.

  3. Implement Seed Script - A seed script is used to populate the SQLite database, S3 bucket, and DynamoDB table with items that should be reset. This file can be found in the packages/scripts/seed/{migration_name}/seed folder.


This section gives an overview of the main scripts that will be run when developing.


The design for multipart systems such as authentication and theme settings are contained in the following links: