Sphereon-Opensource / OID4VC-demo

Demo for OID4VC, containing a configurable agent, OID4VCI Issuer and demopage as well as SIOPv2 and OID4VP RPs with demo page
Apache License 2.0
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oid4vc oid4vci oid4vp openid openid4ssi openid4vci openid4vp siopv2 ssi verifiable-credentials


Configurable OID4VC Issuer and Verifier Demo with branding support

This is a fully configurable demo to showcase our OpenID for Verifiable Credentials libraries and components.

It shows how OID4VC technologies, like SIOPv2 (peer to peer authentication), OID4VP (Verification), OID4VCI (Issuance) end Presentation Exchange (requirements by verifiers) work. You can create your own screen sequences, branding and credential types.

Please note that this is a demo and not intended as production code.


In this document we're going to show you step by step what you have to do to setup your own VCI demo.

The demo consists of 2 components, which can be found in the packages folder.

The Demo is using code from our SSI-SDK, providing 11 modules for OID4VC, QR code generation, as well as Issuance branding. Integrating these technologies with a Key Management System, DID methods etc. The OID4VC modules in the SDK in turn are using our less opinionated lower-level libraries, allowing people to integrate OID4VC functionalities that do not desire full agent functionality, or have their own agent support, like for instance Aries Framework Javascript. Obviously integrating the low-level libraries will be a bit more work, but does bring flexibility. The most prominent low-level libraries are:

Wallet Prerequisites

You will need an OID4VC capable wallet, that supports SIOPv2, OID4VP, OID4VCI and Presentation Exchange. You can use our Open-Source wallet from the stores. You can see our Wallet demo instructions Here is a list of wallet's with above-mentioned capabilities:

A scenario for fetching a credential. Note that since the process is dynamic, your setup might be a little different, but the main parts will stay the same.

To fetch a credential

And a scenario for using Verifiable Credential(s) For OID4VP flow: OID4VP flow

Step by Step instructions

In the next chapters we're going to show you how to setup the agent module, oid4vci-demo-front-end and a brief introduction on how credential branding actually works.



Make sure to have a default Docker installation

Clone repository

Install the configuration files

We maintain Docker a setup for building and testing in directory docker/compose/build. We have created a script to install and patch the agent configurations for you required to build and run the Docker containers.

To run this script, you need to have jq installed on your machine. To install it, you can run:

sudo apt install jq
# to ensure that you have installed jq correctly, you can run the following.
jq -V

It's located here: docker/compose/build/install-configs.sh <ecosystem> <agent host address>.

IMPORTANT: The host address should be either a DNS host or a LAN IP that is reachable for your mobile devices running SSI wallet software. For example:

./install-configs.sh sphereon http://192.168.x.x:5000

The install-configs.sh script will set up the environment for your containers using the .env.examples files from packages/**src/.env.example and put them in the directories under docker/compose/build:


(The .env.local files are copied and patched from the packages/**/src/.env.example files)

Please ensure that you execute the script and docker compose commands with ./docker/compose/build as working directory and have correctly set up your environment variables as outlined in the documentation for Setting up the agent and Setting up the VCI frontend.

The current example for ecosystem "sphereon" loads the folder packages/agent/conf/demos/sphereon as your base configuration folder. All ecosystems present in packages/agent/conf/demos can be installed using the install-configs.sh script.

To build and run the Docker containers, execute the following commands from within the respective directory:

Build the image and run the container

docker compose build # This builds the Docker images
docker compose up -d # This starts the Docker containers, this will require the .env & config files to be installed

The building process may take a few minutes. Once you execute the docker compose up command, three services will start: ssi-agent, oid4vci-demo-frontend, and oid4vp-frontend.

You should now be able to go to http://localhost:5001 and http://localhost:5002 respectively to test the issuer and verifier demo's.

Please note that you might have to configure your docker environment to expose the host.docker.internal like the image below. If you cannot make that work you could adjust the config/docker and docker/compose/build/*/.env files to suit your needs.

To build the images without docker-compose you can also just use "docker build" in the project root directory with some parameters:

docker build -f ./docker/Dockerfile -t oid4vc-demo-ssi-agent:latest --build-arg="PACKAGE_PATH=packages/agent" --build-arg="NODE_SCRIPT=start:dev" .
docker build -f ./docker/Dockerfile -t oid4vci-demo-frontend:latest --build-arg="PACKAGE_PATH=packages/oid4vci-demo-frontend" --build-arg="NODE_SCRIPT=start:prod" .
docker build -f ./docker/Dockerfile -t oid4vp-demo-frontend:latest --build-arg="PACKAGE_PATH=packages/oid4vp-demo-frontend" --build-arg="NODE_SCRIPT=start:prod" .


Docker Desktop (WSL2)

Make sure to have an installation of Docker Desktop with the default options (recommended WSL2)

Clone repository

Install the configuration files

We maintain Docker a setup for building and testing in directory docker/compose/build. We have created a script to install and patch the agent configurations for you required to build and run the Docker containers.

To build and run the Docker containers, execute the following commands from within the respective directory:

Build the image and run the container