SphinxDB / Cairo-DB-Simulator

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Sphinx Cairo DB Simulator

Sphinx Cairo DB Simulator is a tool that leverages the Cairo language to generate provable traces, demonstrated by the SHARP proof system. It further validates these traces using the Stone verifier program. The simulator retrieves the initial state of a database, simulates a series of queries, captures the final state, and ensures equality between the initial and final states. This process substantiates the actual execution of queries and generates proof of queries (PoQ).

Contributors Guide

Thank you for considering contributing to Sphinx Cairo DB Simulator! We welcome your contributions and appreciate your efforts to improve the project. Before you get started, please take a moment to review the following guidelines.

Getting Started

  1. Fork the Repository:

    • Fork the Sphinx Cairo DB Simulator repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Clone the Repository:

    • Clone your forked repository to your local machine:
      git clone git@github.com:your-username/Cairo-DB-Simulator.git
      cd Sphinx-Cairo-DB-Simulator
  3. Create a Branch:

    • Create a new branch for your contribution:
      git checkout -b feature/your-feature
  4. Make Changes:

    • Implement your changes, fix bugs, or add new features.
  5. Commit Changes:

    • Commit your changes with a clear and concise commit message:
      git commit -m "Add your message here"
  6. Push Changes:

    • Push your changes to your forked repository:
      git push origin feature/your-feature
  7. Submit a Pull Request:

    • Open a pull request from your forked repository to the main Sphinx Cairo DB Simulator repository. Provide a detailed description of your changes.

Code Style Guidelines



Contributor License Agreement

By contributing to this project, you agree to the Contributor License Agreement.

Thank you for your contribution!

Installation and Running Guide
