SpiderLabs / ikeforce

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This project is no longer maintained

Dan Turner dturner@trustwave.com


IKEForce is a command line IPSEC VPN brute forcing tool for Linux that allows group name/ID enumeration and XAUTH brute forcing capabilities.
Guides can be found here:


Requires the pyip, pycrypto and pyopenssl modules installed, but other than that it's only standard libs. pyip is the most likely lib that you won't have, install it with 'pip install pyip'


./ikeforce.py [target] [mode] -w /path-to/wordlist.txt [optional] -t 5 1 1 2

Example (find all AM transforms):
./ikeforce.py -a -s 1

Example (enum mode):
./ikeforce.py -e -w groupnames.txt -s 1

Example (brute mode):
./ikeforce.py -b -i groupid -u dan -k psk123 -w passwords.txt -s 1


-h, --help
                    show this help message and exit 
-w WORDLIST, --wordlist=WORDLIST
                    Path to wordlist file                
-t TRANS, --trans=TRANS
                    [OPTIONAL] Transform set: encryption type, hash type, authentication type, dh group (5 1 1 2)   
-e, --enum
                    Set Enumeration Mode
-a, --all
                    Set Transform Set Enumeration Mode
-b, --brute
                    Set XAUTH Brute Force Mode
-k PSK, --psk=PSK
                    Pre Shared Key to be used with Brute Force Mode
-i ID, --id=ID
                    ID or group name. To be used with Brute Force Mode
-u USERNAME, --username=USERNAME
                    XAUTH username to be used with Brute Force Mode
                    [OPTIONAL] XAUTH username list to be used with Brute Force Mode
-p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD
                    XAUTH password to be used with Connect Mode
                    Source port to use, default is 500
-d, --debug
                    Set debug on
-c, --connect
                    Set Connect Mode (test a connection)
-y IDTYPE, --idtype=IDTYPE
                        [OPTIONAL] ID Type for Identification payload. Default
                    is 2 (FQDN)
-s SPEED, --speed=SPEED
                    [OPTIONAL] Speed of guessing attempts. A numerical
                    value between 1 - 5 where 1 is faster and 5 is slow.
                    Default is 3
-l KEYLEN, --keylen=KEYLEN
                    [OPTIONAL] Key Length, for use with AES encryption
-v VENDOR, --vendor=VENDOR
                    [OPTIONAL] Vendor Type (cisco or watchguard currently
--version=VERSION     [OPTIONAL] IKE verison (default verison 1)

Transform Set Helper (Non-exhautive):

Enc Type (1) Hash Type (2) Auth Type (3) DH Group (4)
1 = DES 1 = HMAC-MD5 1 = PSK 1 = 768-bit MODP group
2 = IDEA 2 = HMAC-SHA 2 = DSS-Sig 2 = 1024-bit MODP group
3 = Blowfish 3 = TIGER 3 = RSA-Sig 3 = EC2N group on GP[2^155]
4 = RC5-R16-B64 4 = SHA2-256 4 = RSA-Enc 4 = EC2N group on GP[2^185]
5 = 3DES 5 = SHA2-384 5 = Revised RSA-Sig 5 = 1536-bit MODP group
6 = CAST 6 = SHA2-512 64221 = Hybrid Mode
7 = AES 65001 = XAUTHInitPreShared

Have a look at the ike-scan User Guide for more values.

Version 0.1