SpikeApp / Spike

Get The Most Out Of Your CGM Transmitter
GNU General Public License v3.0
316 stars 211 forks source link
as3 bluetooth dexcom diabetes ios nightscout spike

More info @ https://spike-app.com

Facebook support group @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/spikeapp/

Gitter Channel @ https://gitter.im/SpikeiOS/Lobby

Better readme soon!

Note for iOS Developers:

You'll notice that while the Today Widgets and Apple Watch app have Xcode projects and can be compiled using Xcode, the main Spike App project UI is missing, and the Spike project and storyboard are just empty place holders.

While the iOS specific code is available and open source, building your own version of the Spike App with Xcode from this repository is not possible, for the following reasons: