A suite of libraries for desktop UI development with Compose Multiplatform toolkit.
:warning: Note: the libraries are currently on an experimental stage.
Please see the documentation for respective libraries and the details on their contents and usage:
The libraries have been tested to work in the following environment:
The artifacts for all Chords libraries are published in the following
Maven repository:
First, register the repo where the libraries are published:
repositories {
Add dependencies to the required libraries as described in documentation of each respective library (referred to in the section above).
git submodule update --init --recursive
file to the "Configuration files" section in
on the IDEA's Settings > Tools > detekt page../gradlew clean build
The Chords libraries employ certain code generation facilities, which are meant to complement the Protobuf message APIs generated by the Protobuf compiler.
See codegen/plugins for more details.
Besides the modules for each of the library mentioned above, this repo contains the following key parts:
codegen-plugins — separate Gradle project with ProtoData plugins that generate Kotlin extensions for Proto messages.
See codegen/plugins/README.md for detail.
codegen-tests — tests that check the correctness of code generation.