|Build Status| |Docs Status| |Coverage Status|
SpockBot currently supports Minecraft 1.8.8
Minecraft bot framework written in Python, currently under heavy development.
spockbot/mcp <spockbot/mcp>
__spockbot/mcmap <spockbot/mcmap>
__spockbot/mcdata <spockbot/mcdata>
__spockbot/plugins/core <spockbot/plugins/core>
__spockbot/plugins/helpers <spockbot/plugins/helpers>
__Client could loosely be called "event-driven". By default plugins register handler functions to handle events that may or may not be emitted by other plugins. Everything is a plugin in SpockBot, including the event loop/framework itself, so you can feel free to rip out the entire back end and replace it with your framework or paradigm of choice. As long as you provide the same simple APIs, other plugins won't know the difference.
We're only just getting started with documentation so if you're uncomfortable reading source code this might not be the framework for you. Or, better yet, hop on IRC and help us write some docs!
SpockBot officially supports Python 3.x and Python 2.7.x on *nix operating systems and requires cryptography_. It also runs on Windows and under PyPy 2.6.x but that's not regularly tested and could be broken at any given moment. If you support one of those use cases and SpockBot breaks for you, submit an issue with a stack trace and we'll try to fix it.
python3 setup.py install
The cryptography library has some extra dependencies to install, you can find detailed instructions here <https://cryptography.io/en/latest/installation/>
Current docs live here https://spockbot.readthedocs.org
Refer to the example bot <examples/basic>
__ for instructions on how to
write a bot and a plugin that provides some common functionality.
Also see Extra examples <https://github.com/SpockBotMC/SpockBot-Extra/tree/master/examples>
and Bat bot <https://github.com/Gjum/Bat/blob/master/bat/bat.py>
for additional examples.
Gjum/bat <https://github.com/gjum/bat>
__ - High level botopencog/opencog-to-minecraft <https://github.com/opencog/opencog-to-minecraft>
__ - Interface linking Minecraft to OpenCog| #spockbot
on Freenode
| gamingrobot or nickelpro in #mcdevs
on Freenode
Instructions for contributing to SpockBot can be found in CONTRIBUTING <CONTRIBUTING.rst>
Inspired by remyroy's COPS <http://www.reddit.com/r/Civcraft/comments/13kwjm/introducing_the_cops_civcraft_online_player_status/>
a Minecraft client in Python.
COPS was a service that tracked players on a minecraft server called Civcraft. It looked like this <http://i.imgur.com/SR2qII5.jpg>
Protocol implementation based on barneymc <https://github.com/barneygale/barneymc>
This project is licensed under the MIT License which can be found in LICENSE <LICENSE>
The NBT parser and the original protocol implementation came from other projects, relevant legal information and attribution can be found in LEGAL <LEGAL.md>
.. |Build Status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/SpockBotMC/SpockBot.svg :target: https://travis-ci.org/SpockBotMC/SpockBot .. |Coverage Status| image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/SpockBotMC/SpockBot/badge.svg?branch=master&service=github :target: https://coveralls.io/github/SpockBotMC/SpockBot?branch=master .. |Docs Status| image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/spockbot/badge/?version=latest :target: http://spockbot.readthedocs.org/en/latest/?badge=latest .. _cryptography: https://cryptography.io/ .. _minecraft_data: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/minecraft_data