Spookdot / dotfiles

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Shortcuts which are good to know

ALT+PERIOD for completion via fzf

CTRL+Z switch from VIM into a shell and back if vim is running

sess lets you switch between different sessions that are defined in your SESS_PROJECT_ROOT variable check this out for more information

clip and two other commands to interact with the system clipboard More info here

f is a special version of fff which if fff is installed allows for navigating folders easily More info about fff here

als to check for what aliases and abbrevations exists based on a query

Vim Tricks

Tabs You can open something in a new tab with :tabe <filename> and then switch between tabs with :tabn and :tabp

Split Screen You can split your current view in Vim with :split <filename> and :vsplit <filename> and then navigate with CTRL+W and the arrow keys

Tmux Tricks

Tabs You can open a new Tab with CTRL+B C and then switch between your tabs with CTRL+B 1-9

Split Screen You can split your current view in Tmux with CTRL+B " and CTRL+B %