SpoonLabs / gumtree-spoon-ast-diff

Computes the AST difference (aka edit script) between two Spoon Java source code abstract syntax trees
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Gumtree Spoon AST Diff

Computes the AST difference between two Spoon abstract syntax trees using the Gumtree algorithm.

If you use this, please cite:

Fine-grained and Accurate Source Code Differencing (Jean-Rémy Falleri, Floréal Morandat, Xavier Blanc, Matias Martinez, Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2014. DOI: 10.1145/2642937.2642982.

 title = {Fine-grained and Accurate Source Code Differencing},
 author = {Falleri, Jean-R{\'e}my and Morandat, Flor{\'e}al and Blanc, Xavier and Martinez, Matias and Monperrus, Martin},
 url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01054552/file/main.pdf},
 booktitle = {{Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Software Engineering}},
 pages = {313-324},
 year = {2014},
 doi = {10.1145/2642937.2642982},

Differences between plain gumtreediff and gumtree-spoon-ast-diff

What is the main difference between gumtree-spoon-ast-diff and gumtreediff?


The main class is used this way:

gumtree.spoon.AstComparator <file_1> <file_2>


new AstComparator().compare((CtElement) el1, (CtElement) el2);
new AstComparator().compare((File) f, (File) f2);
new AstComparator().compare((String) s1, (String) s2);

By default, the current version of Gumtree Spoon AST Diff uses the novel AST matcher called SimpleGumTree. However, the API provides the possibility to change it: The mentioned compare methods can also receive the configuration of the AST diff algorithm.

        AstComparator comp = new AstComparator();

        //We define a DiffConfiguration
        DiffConfiguration diffConfiguration = new DiffConfiguration();
        //Set the matcher to be used
        diffConfiguration.setMatcher(new CompositeMatchers.ClassicGumtree());
        //Set values for hyperparameters
        GumtreeProperties properties = new GumtreeProperties();
        properties.tryConfigure(ConfigurationOptions.bu_minsim, 0.2);
        properties.tryConfigure(ConfigurationOptions.bu_minsize, 600);
        properties.tryConfigure(ConfigurationOptions.st_minprio, 1);
        properties.tryConfigure(ConfigurationOptions.st_priocalc, size);

        //Now, compute the diff with the configuration diffConfiguration
        Diff resultClassicMatcher = comp.compare(fl, fr, diffConfiguration);

In the previous snippet, we call the diff algorithm with a particular setup: ClassicGumtree matcher and a set of hyperparameters which minimize the size of the edit-scripts. The values of these hyperparameters were found using DAT (Diff Auto-Tuning).

  author = {Martinez, Matias and Falleri, Jean-Rémy and Monperrus, Martin},

  title = {Hyperparameter Optimization for AST Differencing},

  publisher = {arXiv},

  year = {2020},

  doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2011.10268},

  url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.10268},

  keywords = {Software Engineering (cs.SE), FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Computer and information sciences},

Testing AST differencing

gumtree-spoon-ast-diff is heavily tested. The testing of AST tree differencing is quite interesting.

There are cases where the oracle is pretty clear, for instance for the deletion of a node.

// there is only one deletion at line 442
assertEquals(operations.size(), 1);
assertTrue(diff.containsOperation(operations, OperationKind.Delete, "Literal", "\"UTF-8\""));
assertEquals(442, result.changedNode().getPosition().getLine());

or for the addition of a single node

assertEquals(operations.size(), 1);
assertTrue(diff.containsOperation(operations, OperationKind.Insert, "Invocation", "append"));

However, with the presence of moves, the answer is less clear. For instance, an insert+delete instead of a move is correct, although not optimal. However, in this case, there are still definitive oracles: for instance, you are sure that the change happened within a certain node

// the change happened in System.out.println() at line 334
CtElement ancestor = result.commonAncestor();
assertTrue(ancestor instanceof CtInvocation);
assertEquals("println", ((CtInvocation)ancestor).getExecutable().getSimpleName());

To conclude, for testing AST differencing, there is not always a unique and complete, it is a blend of assertions on:


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Copyright 2016 Matias Martinez

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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