Spycner / vae_medmnist

MIT License
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Table of Contents


This repository contains the implementation of a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) tailored for the MedMNIST dataset, utilizing PyTorch and PyTorch Lightning frameworks. Developed during the Deep Generative Models course (SoSe 24) at TU Darmstadt, this project explores the application of VAEs across various MedMNIST dataset modalities, with extensions into conditional VAEs and disentanglement techniques.


Project Structure

For a detailed guide on installation, configuration, and usage, please refer to the corresponding sections below.


To install the necessary components for running this project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Spycner/vae-medmnist.git
    cd vae-medmnist
  2. Install Git Large File Storage (LFS):

    git lfs install
    git lfs pull
  3. Install the required Python packages: I strongly recommend using Rye to install the project as the dependencies were handled through that, else you might run into incompatible versions. Make sure you install the correct packages for torch manually using the PyTorch website

    rye sync
    source .venv/bin/activate

These steps will set up the environment with all the necessary dependencies and data required to run the project.


Running the VAE Model

To quickly start using the VAE model for training and evaluation, follow these install instructions above first.

Run the Training: To start training the model, use the command-line interface provided in the models script. You need to specify the configuration file which includes all the necessary parameters:

python vae_medmnist/models/vae.py --config config/config.yaml

Monitor Training: Training progress can be monitored via the logs generated in the specified log directory, which is set in your configuration file.

Evaluating the Model

After training, you can evaluate the model and generate visual outputs using the evaluation.py script, it will put is in the same directory as your log_path:

python vae_medmnist/evaluation/evaluation.py --log_path results/logs/training_logs/version_{X}


The configuration of the VAE model and its training process is managed through YAML files. These files allow you to specify various parameters that control the behavior of the model and the training process.

Configuration File Structure

A typical configuration file includes the following parameters:

An example configuration file (config/vae_v1.yml) is shown below:

dataset: tissuemnist
max_epochs: 10
checkpoint_dir: results/checkpoints/resnet_vae
log_dir: results/logs
batch_size: 32

Viewing Available Configuration Options

To view all available configuration options for the model, you can use the help functionality provided by the argparse module in the models script. Run the following command to see the options:

python vae_medmnist/models/{}vae.py --help

Similarly, for evaluation-related configurations, refer to the evaluation.py script:

python vae_medmnist/evaluation/evaluation.py --help

These commands will display all the command-line arguments that can be set in the configuration files or passed directly via the command line when running the scripts.


The results section provides insights into the performance and output of the experiments conducted using different configuration files.

Version 1

Version 2

Version 3


Pascal Kraus


Yang, J., Shi, R., Wei, D. et al. MedMNIST v2 - A large-scale lightweight benchmark for 2D and 3D biomedical image classification. Sci Data 10, 41 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01721-8

Some parts of this project were largely inspired by the Lightning Bolts library. The ResNet architecture for the model was modified, updated and extended to handle the MedMNIST dataset.

For examples using other datasets, you might want to view the following colab: VAE tutorial