Spydrouge / pixelmon-ghosts-16

The Pokemon Skyblock: Ghosts mod pack for Minecraft 1.16.5
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Pokemon Skyblock:Ghosts

The Pokemon Skyblock: Ghosts mod pack for Minecraft 1.16.5

General Information


CC-BY-SA-4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0)

What does that license mean in laymans terms? It means you can fork this repository, augment it, add things, remove things, port it to other versions of Minecraft, and even use it as a base for your own modpack, but you must do two things:

  1. Credit us. (That's the Attribution part)
  2. Also use this license - which means everyone can also fork, augment, alter, and use your repository (That's the Share-Alike part)

Author Info

This entire modpack is made by one person: Gaming Imperatrix.

What Is This?

A Skyblock experience for Pixelmon.

Think about it: Pokemon can drop almost any block or item you can think of, like saplings and dirt. Why not make a modpack where you create blocks 'out of nothing' by tracking down and building habitats for the correct Pokemon, and farming them for drops? Of course, there eventually has to be a way to automate things. You don't want to grind forever!

Why isn't it in 1.20.2?

As of the time of writing, most mods haven't made the jump to 1.20.1, much less 1.20.2. I could do a 1.20.2, but it'd be a budget version. Let's wait for the 1.20 mod scene to get a little more diverse, first.

Is it Multiplayer?

In theory, yes. It uses Skyblock builder, and all island-based generation code runs relative to the player's island. However like most Skyblocks, it's designed with the Singleplayer experience in mind. People who want to run a Ghosts server need to consider how they want to handle certain issues. For example: Rain. Water is finite and players need to control the weather. The server owner needs to know how they plan to handle this (or just not handle it and watch the ensuing duel between the Rain Dancers and Sunny Dayers; bring popcorn).

Creative Info

The Story

In Pokemon X and Y, Team Flare succeeded in their plan to destroy the world. This was in order to 'make a new, beautiful world' but they conveniently overlooked the following plot hole: They were on the world when they blew it up.

Anyway, you, a 12 year old kid, wake up on a peice of rubble floating in the sky with no tree and no resources, watching ghost Pokemon drift by. Until suddenly Arceus (or something else) takes pity on you and sends you a Master Ball. All you need is just one Drifloon, and from those humble beginnings, you will rebuild the entire world.




Many materials are soft-gated; they're difficult to farm early game. Trees can't be punched. Iron is scarce. It's a challenge to use the limited Pokemon you do have, to solve problems with the resources given to you, and progress in out-of-the-box ways. Getting your first tree is a little tedious, but you'll bump into a few eggs on the way. Hang in there! The more blocks you have, the more busy you'll be!


Overall Theme

This modpack tries to give you the feeling you're rebuilding the world from nothing, using a mixture of tech and magic. It prioritizes mods that have have a big visible presence in your world, like a windmill or a giant altar. In addition, because the overworld has been blown to smithereens, it is desired that the end-game should involve short trips to other dimensions for resources.

Incomplete Modlist



Gameplay Altering

Pretty Mods

End Game Mods that are Under Consideration and May be Removed

Mods Not in the Pack

Mods that Tempted Me

Mods that Never Made It



The Pokemon spawn tables have been completely reworked. Pokemon spawn at different altitudes, and in reaction to having different blocks placed around them. Many Pokemon are not avialable until different dimensions are reached, because the only things that have survived in the void dimension are ghosts, bugs with a cocoon state, highly durable underground rock Pokemon, Pokemon that float, and Pokemon affiliatd with spirits, fables, or the general spooky theme of the pack (ie, Noctowl, Murkrow, Gothita).

The "Diary" (Quest Book) offers a lot of advice about where to find key Pokemon.

Loot Tables

Loot tables have been completely reworked. PixelTweaks is installed, and the JEI should show all Pokemon drops, making it possible to identify what Pokemon in your area might drop specific loot. To help the player out, the "Diary" (Quest Book) offers a lot of advice about where to find key drops. Pokemon drop materials from all installed mods.

In addition to the Pokemon Drops loot tables, the Forage, Rock Smash, Headbutt, Etc loot tables have also all been altered.

Try as I might, no amount of data pack fiddling has stopped Immersive Engineering from dropping Shader Grab Bags from every Pokemon defeated. In the end we may ultimately just end up item banning them, because they make the pack feel unpolished.


The legendary spawning mechanics have been tweaked. Players will be informed of what to do with these special legendaries when and if they encounter them, or when they encounter the materials necessary to summon them.


An assortment of recipes exist that stitch the mods together better, many of which you will discover on your own. Things like Tinker's Construct's 'Slimy Seeds' are craftable, and Porcelain Bricks can be blasted into Seared Bricks.

Pixelmon-Specific Recipes

Pixelmon - the mod - doesn't show it's Brewing stand recipes in the JEI for some reason (and hasn't for multiple versions), but the "Diary" (Quest Book) walks players through crafting potions, super potions, hyper potions, etc, as they become craftable.