StackStorm-Exchange / stackstorm-backups

Apache License 2.0
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Backups Pack

This pack backs up the MongoDB and PostgreSQL databases in a StackStorm deployment. It is currently best used on a single node deployment, but has the potential to be used for HA setups.


The st2actionrunner node(s) that executes the actions must have the following system-level packages installed:


This pack's configuration is done via the datastore, not config file. The following keys need to be set:

Scope Key Secret Description
system backup.retention_days false Passed into the find command, deletes files based on this many days. To find files older than n days you should specify +n . If you specify just n it will find files that are exactly n days old.
system mongodb.admin_password true Password of the admin user for MongoDB
system mongodb.admin_username false Username of the admin user for MongoDB
system mongodb.mongodb_host false Hostname of the MongDB system to backup


# save backups for 2 weeks
st2 key set backup.retention_days "+14"

# set our mongodb username
st2 key set mongodb.admin_username "admin"

# set our mongodb password
st2 key set -e mongodb.admin_password "Secret!"

# set our mongodb host
st2 key set mongodb.mongodb_host "server01"


The pack provides a few simple actions for backing up the databases that StackStorm is built on:

Action Description
full_backup Performs a backup of both MongoDB and PostgreSQL databases
mongodb_backup Performs a backup of the StackStorm MongoDB database
postgres_backup Performs a backup of the StackStorm PostgreSQL database


# perform a full backup
st2 run backups.full_backup

# perform backup of mongodb
st2 run backups.mongodb_backup

# perform backup of postgres
st2 run backups.postgres_backup


By default we do not ship with a rule to enable backups because every organization and deployment will have its own schedule. Instead we suggest that you create a rule that invokes the backup actions within a pack that your organization deploys.

Here is an example rule that can be used to schedule backups on cron trigger:

name: full_backup_cron
pack: mypack
description: "Executes a full backup on a cron schedule."
enabled: true

  type: "core.st2.CronTimer"
      timezone: "UTC"
      day_of_week: "*"
      hour: 1
      minute: 0
      second: 0

  ref: "backups.full_backup"