Staff-Alerts / project

All project information related to the Staff Alerts project.
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Staff Alerts - Proposal

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The Staff Alerts service will provide a centralised facility which can rapidly inform Environment Agency (EA) staff of notifiable events via text message, the Staff Information website and Helpline. Clear communications are vital to business delivery, so a consistent and rapid method of creating, approving and sending messages is critical.

The intention is for this service to potentially replace the existing EA Text Alerts service which is hard to maintain and manage. The currently in progress "Defra Single Group Text Alert Service" project does not intend to replace the existing EA Text Alerts service.



  1. Identify and implement a way to securely obtain, maintain and store the necessary staff data across the organisation - following GDPR requirements

  2. Identify and implement a way to allow staff to securely register, maintain and remove their own data from the service - following GDPR requirements

  3. Create an accessible and intuitive internal interface that:

    1. has a secure user login mechanism
    2. allows for the selection of a group to send a message to
    3. allows for "approval" of messages before sending
    4. allows for the issuing of messages
  4. Identify and implement a way to send text messages to relevant staff using GOV.UK Notify

  5. Fully document the approach, design, implementation and next steps for full service implementation

  6. Handover for future management and delivery to Internal Digital Services




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