StageCentral / backstage-artifactory-plugin
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Jfrog Artifactory Plugins for Backstage by StageCentral

Welcome to the Artifactory plugin suite for Backstage!

This is a combination of 2 plugins - the frontend and the backend.

The purpose of these plugins is to bring software artifacts forward - where developers can see them. You can now easily connect your software components and services to their binary artifacts and browse the relevant artifacts directly from your Bacsktage IDP.

The Frontend

Currently the frontend plugin allows you to add a tab showing the list of the artifacts related to a Backstage entity: Artifact List

Artifacts are matched by their name or property. Default property name is catalog.component but is configurable.


For the configuration of the plugins - refer to their respective documentation: frontend, backend

Connecting Artifacts to Entities

By default artifacts are looked up with the following AQL (Artifactory Query Language):


Whereas default ARTIFACT_PROPERTY is catalog.component but can be modified by setting artifactory.artifactProperty in 'app-config.yaml`.

ENTITY_NAME by default is the actual entity name but can be modified by setting in catalog-info.yaml of the entity.

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