Stanford / WMD

WebAuth Module for Drupal
GNU General Public License v2.0
9 stars 9 forks source link

WMD - WebAuth Module for Drupal 7.x


Authors: Ken Sharp, Steve Rude, Josh Koenig, Marco Wise, Brad Erickson

The WebAuth Module for Drupal (also known as WMD) implements external logins using Stanford's WebAuth. It automatically creates new users accounts and assigns them Drupal roles based on mappings between Workgroups and Roles as specified by the administrator.

For a full description of the module, visit the project page:

To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes:


See the LICENSE file.


The WebAuth module for Drupal will only work properly on a server that has the WebAuth module for Apache and the WebAuth LDAP module for Apache installed and properly configured. This includes Stanford's central Web infrastructure ( and most of IT Services-maintained web servers. If you are hosting a Drupal site on, you are set.

If you are installing the Apached module on your own server see for more information. The developers of the Drupal module don't have access to help you install the Apache module.

We strongly suggest you also install and enable the Content Access module (


Download and extract the module's package in your sites/all/modules directory. As an admin, go to Administer > Site building > Modules to enable the module. More detailed information on installing modules here:

At install time, WebAuth will do the following for you:


Configure the module's behavior at Administer > Site Configuration > WebAuth.

WebAuth Settings is where you can enable or disable local Drupal accounts, change the text of the Login link, or set a post-login destination.

Role Mappings is where you can assign workgroups to specific roles. The Student, Faculty and Staff roles and mappings are automatically created at install time.

Authorizations is where you can decide who can login to your site using WebAuth. By default it's anyone with a SUNet ID (valid-user) but you can restrict that further if you want.


Because the WebAuth module for Drupal attempts to log people in automatically if they reach a restricted resource, removing "View Published Content" permissions from anonymous users may result in users not being able to log out. That's because upon log out, users are redirected to the home page. If the home page is restricted, the module will log the users back in again. The current workaround is to quit the browser to destroy the WebAuth cookie.


If you encounter any issues while using this module at Stanford, please send a message to: