StanicR17 / APPR-2019-20

Repozitorij z gradivi za predmet Analiza podatkov s programom R v študijskem letu 2019/20
MIT License
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Neuspešen push #7

Open StanicR17 opened 3 years ago

StanicR17 commented 3 years ago

Zdravo, ko poizkusim projekt push-at na git mi R vrne

To ! [rejected] HEAD -> master (fetch first) error: failed to push some refs to '' hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do hint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing hint: to the same ref. You may want to first integrate the remote changes hint: (e.g., 'git pull ...') before pushing again.

hvala in lep pozdrav. hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.

jaanos commented 3 years ago

Tako kot ti predlaga, najprej naredi pull (če pri tem pride do konfliktov, jih bo potrebno razrešiti in narediti nov commit), potem boš pa lahko ponovno pushal.