StartAutomating / Emoji

⟩⚡PowerShell Emoji 😎😉😍🥰🤔😟
MIT License
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emoji emojis powershell powershell-module


⟩⚡PowerShell Emoji 😎😉😍🥰🤔😟

Emoji is a little PowerShell module to help you work with Emoji.

It is built from the Unicode Character Dataset, which includes 44120 named symbols.

Installing and Importing

Emoji is on the PowerShell Gallery.

You can install and import Emoji by using:

Install-Module Emoji -Scope CurrentUser -Force
Import-Module Emoji

Searching Emoji

Search-Emoji or Find-Emoji can be used to search loaded Emoji

# Find all of the Emoji faces
Find-Emoji -Pattern "Face"
# Search all emoji ending in cats and dogs
Search-Emoji -Pattern "(Cat|Dog)$"
# Find all emoji grins
Find-Emoji -Pattern "*grin*" -Like