PowRoku is a nifty little PowerShell module to help automate your Roku(s).
It is built atop the Roku External Control Protocol.
You can use PowRoku to control Roku devices and Roku TVs.
Assuming you have a Roku TV, and it's on, use this to try it out:
Find-Roku # Find your Rokus
Find-Roku | Get-Roku -App # Get all of the Apps on each Roku
Find-Roku | Get-Roku -ActiveApp # Get the Active App on each Roku
Find-Roku | Stop-Roku # Turn your Roku TV off (only works for Rokus which support PowerOff)
# Turn up the volume
Send-Roku -Method POST -Data '' -Command Keypress/VolumeUp
Find-Roku |
Get-Roku -App |
Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Netflix' } |
Start-Roku -MacAddress $myRokuMac # Send a Wake-on-Lan to your Roku's MACAddress