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Using zurb foundation in this project #22

Closed mort3za closed 10 years ago

mort3za commented 10 years ago

I tried to install foundation by this gulpfile (using gulp-ruby-sass and gulp-sass and foundation --libsass). but it failed. can you help me how to configure gulpfile and place of foundation files?

I also have another question. how can i start a local server to see results using this gulpfile?

Many Thanks

mort3za commented 10 years ago

Foundation compiling problem solved. gulpfile settings that i used:

var sass2 = require('gulp-sass');

// Compile Sass
gulp.task('sass2', function() {
    gulp.src(['source/sass/foundation/*.scss', '!source/sass/foundation/_*.scss'])
            includePaths: ['source/sass/foundation', 'source/vendor/foundation/scss'],
            outputStyle: 'expanded'
            "last 1 version", "> 1%", "ie 8"
        // .pipe(gulp.dest('source/assets/css'))
        // .pipe(minifycss())

but what about starting a http server?

mort3za commented 10 years ago made my day.

dmitryevseev commented 10 years ago

@Mort3ZA I'd better installed foundation sources with bower and included it through sass project itself as the part of reset layer, in /reset folder

mort3za commented 10 years ago

@dmitryevseev yes, it's installed through bower and only app.scss and _settings.scss files are in that folder. i'll move them, but including them through sass task raised an error (don't remember what error) and i had to use gulp-sass plugin.