StarterSquad / ngseed

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AngularJS/RequireJS seed project. Documentation


# Get NPM dependencies:
npm install

# Install global NPM dependencies:
npm -g install bower
npm -g install gulp
npm -g install karma

# Also to be able to run tests from CLI
# without browser window popping consider
# to install PhantomJS:

Gulp flows

To make development faster and more automated there are several Gulp tasks available:

Code style

To make code prone to minification ng-annotate module is used.

Vendor update


Tests use Jasmine for assertions.

You can write tests in both Coffee and JS (see /source/js/modules/home/home-ctrl.spec.js and /source/js/modules/home/

E2E Tests

Protractor is used to provide way to do E2E tests. To install go to client directory and run:

npm install -g protractor

// This installs Selenium standalone
// server and Chrome driver:
webdriver-manager update

// Start the server with:
gulp webdriver

// To test source:
gulp protractor

Check p.conf and p-compiled.conf for Protractor settings.

Checkout Protractor docs for more information.

Future Releases

You can checkout planned new features on the Trello Board. Also feel free to create feature requests on github issues.