StarttechVentures / Library

The Starttech Ventures Library
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The Starttech Ventures Library


This GitHub repository acts as a simple managment system of the growing Starttech Ventures Library.

How it works

Books in the library are represented by Issues. Each Issue represent a book in the STV Library. Open Issues are books that are available and Closed Issues are books that have been 'checked out'

Cheking out a book

Needless to say, we encourage anyone to take advantage of the library. To help us keep track of what is available and what is being read by someone, just add a comment in an available book and I will be marking it as 'closed' until returned.

Note: If you want to help out in managing the library add a relevant line to your comment (e.g. "apply to Contribute' or something).

Reserve a checked-out book

Simply add a comment with 'Reserved' in the relevant Book/issue. It's first come first served policy. Of cource you can agree among yourselves on different arrangements.

Returning a book to the library

If you do not have privilages to mark the book as available (i.e.'re-open' the issue) just leave a comment stating that you returned it. Of course you are more than welcome to become a contributor and help out in managing the library.

Books with multiple copies

Books that exist in multiple copies will be deisgnated as such in their title, e.g. The Lean Startup (1/3) ** Since GitHub assignes a unique Issue number for every new books created in the library, there is no need to differentiate the title.


Labels deisgnate the thematic categories of each book. I just used for those. It's just another way to filter and search for books

 Update: The default langauge for our library books is English. Books in other langauges, although would be apparent from the title, will have their own label. E.g books in Greek, are labeled as "Ελληνικά"