StatsBen / ubc-aviary

The UBC Aviary's public web page source code.
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UBC Aviary

The UBC Aviary's public web page source code.

Author: Ben Clark - Mar. 2018



The Aviary is a roped climbing gym at UBC. Originally built in 2014, it was managed by the Varsity Outdoor Club until a new club called The Aviary was founded in 2017 to take over the increasing responsibilities of managing it.

The Aviary's website is built to provide info about the gym to the public, and to facilitate some online tasks like waiver signing and bookings that would otherwise be very time consuming for monitors.

If you're the new Communications Coordinator, congratulations! Hopefully this guide can answer any questions you may have about the website, but if it doesn't please feel free to email myself (Ben Clark email above). If I can't answer your question, contact Corey Kelly. He generally knows everything about the Aviary always.

Website Overview

Section by Section:

Looking at the website from top to bottom you'll find:


This site is using the 'Oxygen' font offered through Google Fonts for headers, and 'Raleway' for the body, links, and lists (also through Google Fonts). A link to this font is found in a link element in the site's head.

Brand Colours

As far as I can tell, the Aviary Logo is a stylish flying carabiner, and the colours used in the logo are a sort of slate blue (#3883BA), and a bright yellow (#E3DC07). Also note the variations on 'Aviary Blue' that can be found in the document called 'blue-colour-palette.html' in the 'other resources' directory.

Editing The Sourcecode

Development Environment

This website comprises mostly HTML, CSS, and Javascript code. I personally love the open source IDE 'Atom' with all the community supported packages, but of course you're welcome to use whatever you'd like.

Adding a New Content Section

To add a section of content to the website, first open index.html in your favourite code editor. Next, create a new div element within the #content element, and give it the following attribute: class="section". Then, add your new content within this tag.

The class="section" attribute ensures that main.js will generate a link to this content in the site's header.

Next, give the section a name by giving your new div tag a name attribute. This should look like name="Your Name Here".

Generally, the name will look best if it's only 1 word, but the website works just as well with more. Note that name is not normally an attribute associated with div elements, and in this case it is used only by main.js to create the link to this section at the top of the page.

Finally, do not assign an id attribute, as this will be done automatically by main.js.

Remember, if parts of this document are hard to follow, look to the existing sections in the index.html file as examples and hopefully that'll clear things up!

Add a Section Checklist

  1. Add a div element within div#content.
  2. Add the class="section" attribute to your new element.
  3. Give your new element a name attribute (name="New Name").
  4. Do not give your new element an id attribute.

Removing a Content Section

Open the index.html file in your favourite IDE or code editor and search (CMD+F or whatever the Windows keyboard shortcut is) for the name of the section you'd like to delete. The name will probably appear within some sort of header tag (e.g. <h2>Section Name<h2>), or in the name attribute of a div tag (e.g. <div class="section" name="Section Name">).

Once you've found it, delete the entire div element containing that content. Make sure that the div tag containing the text you'd like to delete is deleted also. If it is not, a link to the non-existent section will continue to appear at the top of the page.

Remove a Section Checklist

  1. Find the section you'd like to delete.
  2. Delete the content, as well as the enclosing div element!.

Adding a Page

Coming soon....

currently, this website is only really designed to run as a single page.

Deploying (Making the Content Public)

Once you've made some edits to the website's source code, it's time to let the world see your beautiful work! Currently, this is done using Google's Firebase service. In general, Firebase is used to host complicated, dynamic, responsive web apps, but we're just using some of its simplest features to host a static website. We do this partly because it's an extremely affordable way to host a website of this size (you're charged for what you use in Firebase), and also because it allows us to quickly and conveniently deploy new changes with an easy one-liner in the command line!

Deploying with Firebase requires first installing the Firebase CLI (Command Line Interface), which requires Node.js and npm, which are available at

Once you have Node.js and npm, you can install the Firebase CLI via npm:

npm install -g firebase-tools

Deployment Checklist

  1. First thing's first, test your changes!! Open up the index.html file in a browser on your computer, and make sure that:
    • the site appears as it should visually,
    • the command line in your browser's web development tools reports no errors,
    • and give everything a quick proof-read out loud to catch errors :) (pro-tip).
  2. Once you've made sure your changes work, use Git to commit your changes with a useful message (this will probably look like git commit -m "your message here" in the command line). Then, push these changes to the remote repository, and ensure that no errors have been reported in the process. If errors are produced in this process, resolve them before continuing.
  3. If the site runs as intended, and any Git errors are resolved, you're ready to deploy to Firebase! Open a command line, navigate to the ubc-aviary repository, and run firebase deploy. You may be prompted to log in during this process. At any rate, once this command executes, your changes are live!

Editing This Document (README.txt)

Also, also coming soon....