StatsHelix / demoinfo

A library to analyze CS:GO demos in C#
MIT License
321 stars 78 forks source link

Java port? #124

Open caefree opened 6 years ago

caefree commented 6 years ago

Any chance of this happening?

master117 commented 6 years ago

Well, you can certainly make one.

caefree commented 6 years ago

@master117 did you base it on any specific proto files ? I've found different versions of it and generated java files based on them but none of them seemed to work.. It fails to parse the demo header, it doesn't seem to account properly for the 'HL2DEMO' string

moritzuehling commented 6 years ago

The demo-header is just a C-Struct, it has nothing to to with protobuf.

How the demo-header is read here:

I am leaving this open for discussion, even if this is out-of-scope for us.